Internet users were left upset after their favorite social media duo, the Pink Shirt Couple, announced their split on February 4. The pair took to their official YouTube account yesterday to upload a video, titled We Broke Up. In the same, Cayden Christianson announced that he would be creating his own channel as well.
The Pink Shirt Couple is best known for wearing pink t-shirts in all of their online content. They initially started their social media career on TikTok. However, they moved on to create long-form content on YouTube.
Following their latest announcement, all the videos on their official YouTube channel, where they have amassed nearly 20 million subscribers, seem to have been deleted.
Speaking about their separation, Cayden Christianson said in the latest video:
“I think as individuals, as I said, the important thing is working on yourself, and when the other significant other doesn’t provide that or help better themselves or the other person, I think they might need time for themselves or apart, and I think that’s what’s best for us.”
It was also revealed in the video that Cayden got into a car accident, which left him partially bruised in his eye and left arm. He revealed that nobody else was involved in the accident and that he simply had a “blowout on the highway.”
Throughout the video, the couple were seen becoming emotional several times.
“I’m so sad that they broke up”: Netizens disheartened after Pink Shirt Couple make announcement
Fans were devastated to hear that the two were going down different paths. Many expressed that although they completely supported the social media personalities for their decisions, they were still shattered by the news. Several netizens were heavy-hearted to see the duo cry in the video. A few comments read:
Alyssa Echstein will be in sole ownership of the couple’s social media accounts
While sharing that the duo’s relationship was not working behind the scenes and that Cayden Christianson needed to separate himself from their channel, it was revealed that he was creating his own YouTube content under the username Pinkshirtsingle.
The duo’s Alyssa Echstein also shared with followers that she asked Cayden if he wanted to keep their channel, but he declined. He told netizens that he decided to leave the channel with his now-ex-girlfriend due to the passion she has for YouTube and because he felt like “she deserves it more” due to the work she had put into the channel.
Alyssa Echstein also told netizens that she was open to creating a new account for herself.
The duo ended their latest video on a heartwarming note by sharing jokes with each other. Fans now await to see the duo create content separately.