Disney’s upcoming live-action remake of Bambi received criticism after the writer revealed that the film would have a modern twist to the plot. The film's writer, Lindsey Anderson Beer said on September 26, 2023, that the plot would have a twist to make the film less traumatizing for children to watch. The film was announced in January 2020 and is still in its early development.
During an interview with Collider on Tuesday, Beer said that she was working on the script to update the 1942 version of the film. She added that she is possibly making changes to the tragic death of the protagonist, Bambi's mother.
“Not to spoil the plot, but there’s a treatment of the mom dying that I think some kids, some parents these days are more sensitive about than they were in the past. And I think that’s one of the reasons that they haven’t shown it to their children,” Lindsey added.
However, fans were unhappy with the idea of modifying one of the key scenes of the movie to fit modern values. Many argued that the setting for the original plot is the forest and that the plot demonstrates a coming-of-age tale portrayed by animals.
They reasoned that the movie was universally understood because it executed all kinds of emotions from joy and love to danger, and loss, making it more human. Fans opined that the plot requires zero modernization. One X user commented on DiscussingFilm's post on the same and conveyed that Disney would spoil another classic movie.
Netizens rain down criticism on Disney's Bambi remake over alterations
Fans shared their reaction to the news of a modernized retelling of Disney's Bambi. While some said that the company "needed to create new stuff" and stop ruining classics, others said that Disney should rename itself as "modernized retelling."
Previous Disney criticisms for making changes to its classic movies
It is worth noting that Bambi isn't the only recent Disney initiative that was criticized by fans for altering the chief elements of its classic movies. The Little Mermaid had already faced severe backlash from fans who opposed the idea of casting Halle Bailey, a Black actress in the role of Ariel. They were opposed to it as Ariel was originally introduced as Caucasian.
Similarly, the upcoming live-action remake of Snow White also came under fire for initially casting Rachel Zegler, an actress who belongs to a mixed ethnicity as the protagonist. Netizens claimed that by casting Zegler, Disney is completely shifting from the reason why the character was called “Snow White” in the first place.
However, on September 25, 2023, a Disney fan blog shared that Zegler was officially dropped from the movie. That being said there has been no official confirmation of this news.
However, that's not all as fans have also criticized the movie for replacing the iconic seven dwarfs with diverse “magical creatures” who belong to all genders and sizes. The company has been labeled "woke" due to all these changes, leading to a lot of viewers expressing their reluctance to watch the remakes.