After firefighter Ethan Quillen lost his life from a fallen power line on February 23, 2023, a GoFundMe page was set up to support his wife and daughter. With more than 1100 donors, the page has collected close to $70,000. The page talks about Quillen's love for his country and community. It also mentions:
“On February 22, 2023, a beloved husband, father, son, friend, marine, and dedicated firefighter lost his life in the line of duty. He lost his life serving those that he swore to protect and serve. Firefighter Ethan Quillen will always be remembered for his endless love for his wife and daughter.”

Organized by Paw Paw Fire Department, the goal of the page was to collect $25,000. However, the campaign managed to collect $70k in a short span of 11 hours.
The tragedy happened when Quillen’s crew was called to the 42000 block of 30th Street near 42nd Avenue in Almena Township around 6 pm, after it was reported that a tree fell onto a power line.
As soon as the power struck him, he was taken to Bronson Hospital, where he tragically passed away.
Ethan Quillen lost his life after another tree fell on a power line
With the untimely death of the brave firefighter, Ethan Quillen, questions arose about the circumstances of his death. Giving out the details, Fire Chief Jim DeGroff stated:
“The original power line was handled. A tree broke further down on the line and brought a more high voltage line down and when it happened, it snaked and there was no way to get away from it. Nothing that any human did or he did was wrong.”
Calling him the “true examples of the Paw Paw Volunteer Fire Department,” the Chief also said:
“He was a great guy. Father, husband, volunteered his time here for free, gave his life for free. Just the best.”
Paw Paw is a volunteer firefighter department, and so none of its employees or crew members are paid. Hence, the GoFundMe collections have become even more crucial for the family of the firefighter. Talking about the same, DeGroff said:
“We couldn’t afford in this community to have a paid staff, full-time fire department here. The men and women that serve on this fire department, they love their community. We’re so fortunate to have the people we have. They don’t want anything in return. Their satisfaction is helping another family or helping anywhere we can. We don’t pay, we don’t want press, we don’t look for that.”
The Paw Paw Fire Department also released a statement, where they said:
"We would appreciate your thoughts and prayers for Ethan's family, his friends, his fellow firefighters, dispatchers, and all the other emergency responders that are suffering from this tragic loss."
Ethan Quillen was ranked as a leuitenant, as per the National Fire Academy.