On February 20, EXO’s Suho posted an eerie and cryptic teaser on the group’s social media account, hinting at a release. The 18 second video contains no music or even lyrics, featuring a line stating, “At last, the man takes off his grey suit.”
Grey suit, Suho, and the group are synonymous with each other. The cryptic teaser had fans guessing what it might mean, with many leaning towards believing that the leader hinted towards the group starting an all-new era.
EXO Suho’s special gift to fans might come sooner than expected
On February 14, EXO’s Suho posted a handwritten letter to fans thanking them for loving and supporting him during his time in the military. The idol was discharged on February 13. He also wrote that he was working on a “special gift” for fans as a token of gratitude for waiting for him. It seems like this special gift is almost here.
The K-pop group's official social media accounts posted a mysterious black-and-white untitled teaser. The video starts with a clock ticking, a flock of birds in the sky, and a foggy forest, which shows a single cupboard in the middle. Closeups of the cupboard opening reveal a grey suit hanging inside.
As the teaser suggests a grey suit being the main character, many fans believe they are going back to the start of a new era. They connected the dots with Suho wearing a grey suit during the Growl era, around 2013.
Moreover, while some believe it is the special gift, they also think the solo could be tied deeper into the storyline the group is building and the comeback of his second solo mini-album.
Meanwhile, Suho hosted a livestream titled SUHO’s Resume for EXO-L Inc on February 19 KST. The concept featured the idol acting like a potential employee appearing for an interview for a job at the company.
The clip remains a mystery, and it will remain to be seen if it’s only a solo release or if it ties to something bigger (such as the group rebranding into a new era).
In other news, only members Kai and Sehun remain to enlist in the military. They’re expected to do so by 2022 and 2023, respectively.