On January 12, Fendi unveiled its SS24 Menswear campaign, featuring three global stars. The trio consists of Kuanghan Hsu, Jeremy Pope, and Massimiliano Caiazzo, exuding fashion pieces from the June 2023 runways. Nico Vascellari, the Italian artist, directed the campaign, embracing the theme of 'Fendy Factory'.
Fans appreciated the ambassadors of the brand. They seem quite delighted to watch their favorite stars, leaving the comment box filled with love and appreciation.
One of the internet users commented,
"This is fire!"
The comments display the appreciation of the fans, expressing a big nod to the collection. Some other fantastic comments are reviewed below.
Fans cherished the new brand ambassador of the Fendi SS24 Menswear Campaign
Fendi posted some snaps from its menswear collection on Instagram, showcasing the fashion pieces from its June 2023 runway. The brand chose three global fashion icons to tout the campaign.
The prior brand ambassador, Kuanghan Hsu, the Chinese singer and actor, showed up in a baby blue striped shirt with beige trousers, holding the Peekaboo bag.
Massimiliano Caiazzo, an Italian actor, wore leather trench coats and posed with a leather baguette bag. The third member of the trio, Inspection actor Jeremy Pope, embodies the campaign's leather allure, striking poses with a messenger bag.
Fans of Pope deluged their love for him, saying that the collaboration between these two is a perfect combination. Few fans considered him one of the best fashion icons while others appreciated him as the brand ambassador, stating that "he is the campaign man."
Similarly, fans showered love on the Italian actor's campaign image. Most of them commented on how much they loved the actor, while others called him a magnificent actor.
Fans of Kuanghan Hsu felt proud of him for being one of the global ambassadors of the brand. Few of them praised his face as a high-end model, while some of them shared that it was one of his best looks.
The brand showcased a range of men's clothing from their latest collection, combining artistic flair with expert craftsmanship.
Creative Director Silvia Venturini Fendi drew inspiration from the contemporary man's needs, assembling a collection of fashion items such as tailored pants, wraparound aprons, knee-length shorts, tops, and more.
The standout pieces from the collection are its peekaboo bags, Chiodo backpacks, and baguette bags, exuding the elegance of leather.