Succession, a hit HBO show that premiered in 2018, has captivated audiences with its intense look at the power struggles within a rich and complicated family that runs a global media empire. Recently, Jeremy Strong, who portrayed Kendall Roy, the driven but troubled son in the family, shared his insights about his character's journey in an interview.
Strong talked about what happened to Kendall in the Succession podcast, especially in the last scene. He said:
"I sat on the bench, and it always, to me, felt like there was nowhere... there's no coming back from this."
Jeremy Strong portrayed Kendall Roy in HBO's Succession. His character struggled with the intense familial dynamics and power struggles within a huge media conglomerate. The season four finale and series finale aired on May 28, 2023.
Jeremy Strong discusses extinction-level event in Kendall Roy's life and the undertow of his existence in Succession
HBO's Succession is a hit show with an enthralling plot and unforgettable characters. A standout is Kendall Roy, played by Jeremy Strong, whose fate in the series has recently been discussed by the actor.
In Kendall Roy's last scene in Succession, he's seen all alone on a park bench, looking at the East River. His dreams of taking over his family's media empire are shattered, leaving him in a state of utter despair. It's a heavy moment, leaving viewers wondering what's next for him.
Strong's Kendall Roy is a character study in ambition, vulnerability, and emotional tumult. The finale left viewers in a state of suspense, and in a recent interview, Strong disclosed his interpretation of the ambiguous ending.
He spoke candidly and stated:
"I think some people felt like this moment might pass... Maybe he'll have a life. Maybe he'll get up off of that bench and walk in a different direction, and maybe have some version of a life."
But Strong views Kendall's final scene as a death for the character, implying a tragic end.
Jeremy Strong's interpretation of Kendall's fate is influenced by a poem titled Dream Song 29 by John Berryman. This poem has informed every finale episode title in Succession, hinting at the underlying themes of despair and destruction. The final scene for Kendall, as described by Jeremy Strong, is his character "entering the whirlpool," indicating a downward spiral, whether he's alive or not.
Succession undoubtedly left a lasting impact on audiences with its nuanced portrayal of power dynamics and human frailty. Fans witnessed a rich tapestry of storytelling that continues to resonate with audiences worldwide.
Masking out the gripping plot and studded cast of Succession
Succession cleverly unravels the narrative of Logan Roy, the patriarch of a massive media empire, and his family's entanglement in a power struggle. The crux of the plot lies in the fierce contest among Roy's progeny, who are vying for the corporate helm.
The synopsis of season four as per HBO reads:
"The sale of media conglomerate Waystar Royco to tech visionary Lukas Matsson (Alexander Skarsgård) moves ever closer. The prospect of this seismic sale provokes existential angst and familial division among the Roys as they anticipate what their lives will look like once the deal is complete. A power struggle ensues as the family weighs up a future where their cultural and political weight is severely curtailed.''
With Brian Cox leading as Logan Roy, key performances from Sarah Snook, Jeremy Strong, and Kieran Culkin, among others, bring depth to their pivotal roles in the series.
Succession has carved an impactful legacy through its intricate exploration of power and human fragility. All four seasons of the drama series are exclusively available on HBO. Witness the corporate labyrinth as the series weaves a gripping plot with a strong cast.