Breaking the Ice is centered around figure skating legend Rory Flack, who leads a diverse, synchronised competitive figure skating team. A team that she believes shares the same greatness that made her an icon on the ice.
Niece of legendary singer Roberta Flack, Rory's accolades speak for themselves. Not only is she the first African American Woman to win the US Open Figure Skating Championships, but she is also the first African American woman to perform a back flip on ice.
A feat that she hopes to repeat once again. On her 55th birthday.
Breaking the Ice captures the 54-year-old legend in a new and different avatar. This time around, she leads a team called DMV, honing them and chipping away at the ice to sculpt them into the stars of tomorrow.
SK POP was delighted to chat with the legend ahead of the show's WE Tv premiere. Not only did she speak about her historic back flip, but she also mentioned what she hopes to achieve through the series.
Rory Flack, the star of Breaking the Ice, did her backflip to become "undeniable"
How close is Rory Flack to the person we meet on Breaking the Ice? She answered:
"What you see is really me. And that's something that I really loved about being to do this show. You get to see the realness of people. In a training environment. "
The 10 girls under her learning tree come to her for guidance, having seen her perform the legendary back flip that's still spoken about to this day.
Rory Flack recounted the iconic flip for us:
"A friend of mine sat down and said if you want to do something that nobody's done before and you really want to be memorable, then you should do a back flip. In my mind, I'd only seen a couple of guys do it. And I thought well he's right. He's right you know. If I want to become undeniable, then that's what I have to do."
The star of Breaking The Ice had to work hard to perfect the athletic feat:
"It did take me about two months of pacing the rink everyday. At the end you get the nerve up. But you know, growing up how I grew up, it's do or die. When I did it, it was the most amazing feeling of accomplishment, that I have something in my pocket, you know. That nobody knows about. And I can't wait to bring it out."
In case you missed the back flip when it happened, Rory requests that we follow her Instagram page, because she plans to repeat her performance:
"The moment I did it on the ice, I just thought of everybody. It was just so exhilarating. To this day. I want to do it again. And I've decided on my 55th birthday, I'm going to do it again."
So, why should fans watch this documentary series? She explained:
"You're going to see these girls go through a lot of journeys. A lot of trials. A lot of pain and joy. And you're going to see some mindsets change."
How far will Rory Flack lead Team DMV on Breaking the Ice? Catch the world premiere on WE Tv this Thursday at 9 pm ET.