Popular reality series The Real Housewives of Atlanta (RHOA) aired a brand new episode on Sunday, June 18, 2023, at 8 pm ET on Bravo. It documented the cast members spending quality time with each other and also trying to resolve impending issues between them. While some were able to talk it out, others only took a turn for the worse, leading to a lot of drama.
On this week's episode of RHOA, Marlo wanted Kandi to be receptive to her nephew's shooting incident. She claimed to never blame her co-star or her business for the issue but only wished that Kandi would have sent them flowers after her nephew's passing.
Fans were tired of Marlo expecting a lot from Kandi when the latter wasn't even involved. They also slammed Marlo for making her nephew's incident a storyline. One tweeted:
The hit Bravo series has had a successful 14-season run and has received a fair share of love and criticism from viewers. Cast members of season 15 include Kandi Burruss, Kenya Moore, Shereé Whitfield, Drew Sidora, Marlo Hampton, and Sanya Richards-Ross.
They were accompanied by newcomers Monyetta Shaw-Carter and Courtney Rhodes, who joined with their share of drama, adding brand new storylines.
Marlo and Kandi get into an argument over their issues on RHOA
Tonight's episode of RHOA saw the cast members hashing out their issues with each other. The ladies gathered for Sheree's Gucci brunch and decided to resolve their impending issues as a group. Some ladies turned on a potential new leaf while others found themselves in a far worse place than ever.
The official synopsis of the episode, titled Keeping It Gucci, reads:
"Drew makes a difficult decision about how much to include Ralph in her music career; Sanya puts her foot down about her friendship alliances; feeling stuck in the middle of the ladies' drama, Sheree calls everyone together for her Gucci brunch."
As the ladies gathered for brunch on the RHOA episode, Marlo clarified that she was fine with the ladies as long as they were all respectful of each other. Kandi, however, felt that it was wrong of Marlo to have blamed her and her business for something that happened in her family.
Marlo had previously slammed Kandi for not being receptive to her nephew's shooting and subsequent death despite him having worked for Kandi's restaurant. Kandi, for her part, had explained that the incident had nothing to do with her or her business as it didn't take place at her restaurant.
At the brunch on RHOA, Kandi felt it was unfair for Marlo to blame her. The latter, however, clarified that she was only upset with Kandi for not helping with the funeral or being receptive to what she was going through. Kenya defended Kandi and slammed Marlo for "gaslighting" her friend.
Marlo exited the scene for a brief moment after feeling disrespected by Kenya. Upon returning, she got into an argument with Kandi over the same issue. The latter was tired of her castmate coming up with her nephew's incident to address concerns.
Fans want Marlo to end the issue on RHOA
Fans took to social media to express their disappointment with Marlo. They asked her to stop with her nephew's "storyline" to blame Kandi. Some fans also felt that Marlo was only downsizing what happened with her nephew and his family by bringing it up on the show.
Season 15 of RHOA has been an intense watch so far. There is only more to come as the cast members navigate issues and try to solve them as well. The coming weeks will see even more drama between the ladies. Viewers will have to wait and see what's in store for them.
Don't forget to tune in to a brand new episode next Sunday, June 25, 2023, at 8 pm ET on Bravo.