The Golden Globes are among the most prestigious award ceremonies in the world. Now, it has added two new categories to its upcoming January broadcast, which will honor the best performance in a stand-up comedy special and movies that have an exceptional global reach in either box office or streaming views, as per Variety.
The first new category is the Golden Globe for Cinematic and Box Office Achievement, which will include films that have grossed at least $150 million during release, with at least $100 million in domestic box office. As per Variety, streaming films with exceptional viewership will also be considered in this category, which will have eight films.
The second new category is Best Performance in Stand-Up Comedy on Television. It recognizes stand-up comics in traditional stand-up format. Stand-up specials from streaming platforms, basic and premium cable, streaming, and pay-per-view cable will be considered.
What are the eligibility criteria for the new categories at the Golden Globes?
The eligibility criteria for both the new categories in the Golden Globe ceremony were also revealed by Variety.
As per the publication, the Cinematic and Box Office Achievement category will comprise films that have been viewed extensively around the world, in the form of either streaming or box office.
Streaming views will also count for films that have been released in theatres. This award is much like the achievement in the popular film category at the Oscars, which was quickly withdrawn.
For the second category, Best Performance in Stand-Up Comedy on Television, traditional stand-up comedy performances of at least 30 minutes or more will be eligible.
Works from broadcast, basic and premium cable, streaming, and pay-per-view cable will be eligible for this award along with only specials first released in the United States. There will be six nominations for this category in total.
Speaking about the new awards, Golden Globes president Helen Hoehne told the media:
"The Golden Globes has a rich history of supporting and celebrating the work of comedians, and we’re thrilled to honor their brilliance alongside outstanding motion picture and television performances of the year."
"Additionally, we are proud to recognize the hard work and innovation that goes into making a film that is both a blockbuster and artistically exceptional," she continued.
Tim Gray, executive vice president, added:
"The new cinematic and box office achievement award is more than just rewarding the year’s top earning and most viewed motion pictures...These films have typically not been recognized among industry awards, but they should be."
The award ceremony will take place on Sunday, January 7, 2024.