On Wednesday, September 4, Tamar Braxton took to her Instagram account to accuse her now ex-fiancé of using her credit card on another woman at a hotel following their breakup. Braxton called the woman, who has now been identified as Jailyn H, a “tramp.” Jailyn has now taken to her social media account to issue a statement of her own amid the ongoing scandal.
In her Instagram Live, Tamar Braxton claimed she received receipts of an unauthorized charge of $1,151.26 on her card from Four Seasons in New Orleans. She claimed she was told that Robinson was staying at the hotel with his guest, “Ms. Jay.” Speaking about Jailyn H while showing her Instagram account on her Instagram story, Tamar Braxton said:
“Played IN MY FACE for a 25 year old!! Smh [took] my jewlry took me to Turks and all along had a WHOLE TRAMP i hate you @jeremyrobinsonceo.”
On September 6, Jailyn H appeared on Instagram Live to address Braxton’s accusations of her and Robinson spending time in a hotel together. She said:
“Have never met this [Jeremy Robinson] man in my life. This woman [Tamar Braxton] has called me a tramp, the infamous tramp and she’s insinuating that I have been having relations with her husband-fiancé, I don’t know what it is…”
Jailyn H claimed that Jeremy Robinson slid into her DMs amid the latter’s feud with Tamar Braxton
While claiming that Jeremy Robinson, an attorney by profession, was playing both sides (while referring to herself and Tamar Braxton), Jailyn H clarified that allegations of her accompanying Robinson to the Four Seasons were “false.”
While explaining why they were untrue, Jailyn stated that Jeremy Robinson texted her on Instagram and deleted those messages simultaneously, just to send messages to her again. She also stated that she messaged Robinson on Instagram after Braxton took to the social networking site to share her allegations against Robinson. Jailyn read out the message, which read:
“Not sure what you and your fiance got going on but this is absolutely absurd. You and I both know that there is no truth to this. We’ve never met before. This is also defamation as well. I would definitely clear this up with her if I were you. She has no clue the mistake she just made.”
Jailyn then stated that she was expecting an apology from Tamar Braxton.
Meanwhile, Jeremy Robinson had also taken to the internet to address Braxton’s allegations of him using her money. He claimed he did visit New Orleans; however, it was to attend a funeral in reality. He also stated that there was a mixup in his and Braxton’s cards, as they had the same last three digits.
While addressing the infidelity accusations that also landed against him from Braxton, Robinson called them “delusions” and asked her to “show some grace” instead of taking to the internet.
Robinson also denied the allegations of him spending time in a hotel with another woman. He also claimed that he was single for the past half year and was simply trying to build a healthy friendship with Braxton.
Braxton had not responded to Robinson or Jailyn H’s statements on social media at the time of writing this article.