MTV aired another episode of its popular series Catfish on Tuesday, March 21, featuring host Nev and intimacy expert Shan Boodram trying to find the identity of Justin, who had been talking to 41-year-old Angela for two months.
Justin refused to meet Angela in-person, so she took the help of Catfish hosts to find out his real identity. They found a Facebook profile, where it was mentioned that Justin was a married man. After much effort, the hosts were able to convince him to come to the park. Angela was also with them.
Justin was in the park but sent the hosts a video saying that he could not go through this experience. They then spotted his car in the parking lot. Nev tried to convince him to step out and meet Angela, but Justin feared that she would be different from her online persona. He also revealed that he struggled with anxiety and often felt out of place.
He called himself a coward and said that he would be better off running. After a while, he was able to get out of the car and they realized that it really was Justin. Angela hugged him and he confessed that his previous relationship, which was his last marriage, was devastating, and he was still figuring out his next step.
He kept on shaking his head and said that he did not expect much from others. Catfish fans were concerned about Justin's mental health and asked him to get a therapist.
Catfish fans feel bad after seeing Justin
Justin admitted that he was nervous and anxious. He also confessed that he wanted to meet Angela previously but canceled the plan every time because of his mental state. He also admitted to doing that very often with his friends.
Catfish fans were worried about Justin and felt that he might even be on the spectrum.
Angela and Justin decided to be friends post the revelation
Angela wore a special dress for Justin and was hoping for the best. She was concerned that he might still be married and knew much more about her than she knew about him. Angela confessed that it was relieving for her whenever Justin messaged her.
However, Justin said that he valued their friendship and had no concrete idea where he was going. He tried to be his most sincere self in front of Angela, who agreed to be his friend. Host Nev thanked him for getting out of the car and apologized for being pushy. Shan could not believe that this was her first case on the show and that Justin was not catfishing anyone.
Catfish airs on MTV every Tuesday at 8 pm ET. Fans can stream the show on the network's website one day after the television premiere.