MTV recently premiered its brand new reality TV series titled The Real Friends of WeHo. The show revolves around celebrities and reality TV veterans from the entertainment industry.
It features celebrity stylist Brad Goreski, singer and choreographer Todrick Hall, actor Curtis Hamilton, TV host and business owner Jaymes Vaughan, digital entrepreneur Joey Zauzig, and CEO of award-winning brand Buttah Skin Dorión Renaud.
The Real Friends of WeHo season 1 aired with its pilot episode on Friday night at 9 pm ET/ 8 pm CT after the episode of RuPaul's Drag Race season 15 aired on MTV. The series revolves around the six stars living their lives in West Hollywood.
Prior to the release of the show, MTV described The Real Friends of WeHo as an "unfiltered" show. While there was a lot that happened during the first episode, the one highlight that left fans impressed was seeing Curtis Hamilton come out of the closet. Upon witnessing him open up about his sexuality on reality TV, fans took to social media to share their opinions.
Many claimed that they would continue watching the show just for Curtis and added that they were proud of him for opening up and being his true self.
"Curtis is cute" - The Real Friends of WeHo fans laud Curtis for opening up on camera
Taking to Twitter, fans claimed that they would solely watch the show for Curtis Hamilton. Some also added that they were already in love with the reality TV star after the premiere episode of the show. Fans also congratulated Curtis for coming out as gay on the show and added that they were proud of him.
Speaking about his decision to come out of the closet during the show, Curtis told TV Insider:
"For me to go on a reality show and open up to the world with something I’ve just been telling the people that know me the most about, it was really scary. But I just felt it was time."
Brief recap of what happened in episode 1 of The Real Friends of WeHo
The official synopsis for the reality TV series read:
"An unfiltered and honest look at a select group of friends living, loving and pursuing their passions in the West Hollywood community. Consisting of some of Hollywood's most influential and successful LGBTQ+ celebrities, personalities, and entrepreneurs, this revealing and witty new ensemble docuseries provides an up close and personal glimpse into their lives as they perform in front of crowds of thousands, make high-stakes business deals, celebrate important life milestones, work the red carpet, and reveal their most intimate truths to family and friends."
The season premiere opened with Brad telling viewers that the show was "breaking new ground."
Brad added:
"I might not directly know exactly who the people are. But I know people, who know people, who know people."
Opening up, Dorion shared:
"A lot of people here in Hollywood think that putting a camera in front of their face and talking to their phone all day makes them a professional. That’s not a job."
To find out what happens in the next episode, viewers will have to wait for another week. The Real Friends of WeHo will air on MTV every Friday night at 9 pm ET. Readers can check their local listings for more information.