Married to Medicine Season 9 aired its finale on Sunday, October 16, 2022, at 9 pm ET on Bravo. The one-hour episode saw the cast members indulge in love, laughter, tears and drama for one last time as the installment comes to an end. Viewers witnessed significant drama as the ladies hashed out their differences and tried to resolve impending issues between them.
In the final episode of Married to Medicine, Heavenly and Contessa's feud continued as the duo got into a heated argument. Fans, however, slammed Heavenly for bringing up Contessa's relationship with her husband once again. One tweeted:
Married to Medicine season 9 premiered on July 10, 2022, and has been extremely popular among viewers.
Cast members Dr. Jacqueline Walters, Dr. Simone Whitmore, Dr. Heavenly Kimes, Dr. Contessa Metcalfe, Toya Bush-Harris, Anila Sajja, Miss Quad Webb, and newcomer Audra Frimpong have been involved in some major drama this season, which has been widely watched by fans, who followed the arguments and made their opinions known on social media.
Contessa and Heavenly get into an argument on Married to Medicine
On tonight's episode of Married to Medicine, the ladies got together to hash out any impending differences they might have had over the course of the season. While most of it was resolved with Toya and Anila, and Audra and Toya made amends, Contessa and Heavenly's feud was still fresh in their minds and only got heated in the season finale.
During Jackie and Simone's "relationship resuscitation" retreat, it was time for Contessa and Heavenly to talk about their strained relationship. While the duo maintained that they had reached a better place, they also agreed that their relationship had cracks, and had changed from what it was previously.
The two got into an argument on Married to Medicine season finale after Heavenly said:
"Well I think you're wonderful...I think you're beautiful...I just think that..I wish and hope that you know how beautiful you are...but I don't think you should take things because somebody is a man."
Contessa was furious at Heavenly as the latter hadn't yet let go of talking about her relationship. She asked the ladies to keep her "spouse's name out of their mouth." However, Heavenly maintained that it was Contessa who chose to speak about her issues with her husband in public, so she did not understand why it was bothersome if she talked about it on her YouTube channel.
In a confessional, Contessa opened up about her relationship with her husband and said:
"I'm not mad at Scott anymore. I'm married to Scott. Me and Scott go through ups and downs. We started going to therapy. Scott has evolved, but she's the problem. I cannot have a relationship with someone that all they wanna do is criticize. No thank you."
Later on in the Married to Medicine episode, Simone and Jackie discussed the issue. While Jackie felt that Heavenly only spoke about what was shared with her, Simone failed to agree. In a confessional, she said:
"It doesn't matter what one friend vents to another friend about. You as my girlfriend should respect our relationship enough that when I confide in you, you don't put me on blast, and put my s**t out there."
By the end of the episode, Contessa and Heavenly admitted that they felt distant and didn't want to end up in a day-to-day relationship with each other, but confessed that they still have a lot of love for each other.
Fans slammed Heavenly for bringing up the topic again on Married to Medicine
Fans were upset with Heavenly for arguing with Contessa over the same issue and took to social media to express their opinions.
Check out what they have to say.
Married to Medicine Season 9 has finally come to an end. A dramatic three-part reunion awaits in the upcoming weeks as the cast members reflect on the season and try to resolve any leftover issues or concerns amongst them.
Keep watching this space for more details about the Bravo series.