On Tuesday, November 2, the Real Housewives of Beverly Hills star Lisa Rinna's eldest daughter Delilah Hamlin took to Instagram to share her struggles with an accidental drug overdose. In a 28-minute video, Hamlin spoke about the journey from seeking medical help to becoming dependent on Xanax.
Delilah Hamlin, the daughter of Rinna's husband, actor Harry Hamlin, shared her health issues which spanned from Lyme disease, Epstein-Barr virus, encephalitis, to PANDAS disorder.
The 23-year old revealed that she had been facing anxiety attacks earlier this year owing to her PANDAS disorder. She had consulted a psychiatrist who allegedly overprescribed her certain drugs.
How did Delilah Hamlin overdose?
While speaking about her consultation with a psychiatrist, 23-year old Hamlin said,
"He overprescribed me with one medication that one of my friends takes like 10 milligrams, and he gave me like 20 milligrams three times a day and then he gave me 3 milligrams of Xanax a day."
She further added,
"So my body got dependent on Xanax number one, and number two, I overdosed. I didn't mean to at all. I overdosed on this one medication called propranolol. I took Benadryl with it and for some reason, I ended up in the hospital."
Delilah Hamlin also stated distinctly that she had not become an addict. However, she claimed to have gotten dependent on Xanax, alleging that the psychiatrist had prescribed higher quantities on her.
She tried to get over her dependency
In the video, the model and singer stated that she had enrolled herself in a treatment center in Arizona for weeks. She again made the distinction that it was not a rehab for addiction. However, Hamlin could not be treated there due to her seizures from encephalitis.
She said,
"I actually just got back yesterday. I'm really sad because I thought this place was gonna be a place to cure me...and it would just be a place I could relax,"
Hamlin added:
"But unfortunately, I was a medical risk, so I was politely asked to leave after three weeks of being there."
Delilah Hamlin's situation garnered several followers' empathy
While many followers provided Hamlin with much-needed support, others blamed her mother, Lisa Rinna, for allegedly not being there for her daughter. Many were also skeptical of her claims of overdosing on her medication.
Delilah Hamlin also claimed that the COVID vaccine she received triggered certain autoimmune diseases to pop up in her body. The model, who is currently in a relationship with Love Island participant Eyal Booker, thanked him for supporting her throughout her illness. While concluding the video, Hamlin asked her followers to recommend medical experts who might help.