The renowned chef, Bill Granger, popularly known as the “godfather” of avocado toast has tragically passed away at the age of 54. In a statement, the family revealed the tragic news that Bill Granger had died on Christmas Day in a London hospital. They also stated that he passed away with his wife, and three daughters by his side.
Bill Granger was battling cancer, and he died due to its complications. Furthermore, the family issued a public statement and said:
"He will be remembered as the 'King of Breakfast', for making unpretentious food into something special filled with sunshine. He will be deeply missed by all."
Born in Melbourne, Australia, Bill Granger was a renowned restauranteur and food writer, who was in the business of food for the last 30 years. The chef was known to have learned cooking all by himself. Moreover, he was the person who made avocado on toast popular and is hence known as the “godfather” of avocado toast.
He also started his journey of writing about food and had written 14 cookbooks. He had also appeared in several cooking shows and had restaurants in partnership with his wife in many cities including Sydney, London, Tokyo, Seoul, and even Osaka.
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Bill Granger, born in 1969, was settled in London but had his restaurants running all over the world. Initially, he started studying art, and later his focus shifted towards food, and that is when he dropped out of art school. He opened his first restaurant in 1993, in Sydney, and then expanded his chain globally.
Other than appearing on several TV shows, he was also often heard on radio, as he was featured on a fortnightly segment on ABC Radio 702, where he discussed recipes with the host. His weekly food column in The Independent was also extremely popular amongst the masses.
As Bill Granger tragically passed away, he is now being remembered by fans, followers, friends, and family, who have been left devastated after his tragic death.
While the family has confirmed the news of Bill Granger’s passing, they have not yet revealed the funeral and memorial services details. However, tributes for the deceased chef continue to pour in on multiple platforms.