A video of a dog getting injured due to an incident revolving around a screwdriver has been doing the rounds online. The said dog was allegedly protecting its house when "callous burglars" attacked him with a screwdriver, according to HITC. In the viral video, the dog, who is called Juice, is being treated by veterinary staff post his injury.
Unlike what many social media users assumed, the video of Juice is actually an old one. An Australian reality show Bondi Vet filmed it almost a year ago. The Bondi Vet series is 10 seasons long and chronicles the lives of veterinarians. The vets care for animals in Sydney's busiest veterinary clinic quite close to Bondi Beach.
The screwdriver incident involving Juice being stabbed in the eye was first uploaded on Bondi's Facebook page in July 2022. The video is no longer available on the internet due to social media platforms' policy against gory and violent content.
Several netizens took to Twitter to react to the tragic attack as they wondered how people could be so "cruel."
Trigger warning: Animal abuse
Netizens have "no faith in humanity" after news of dog getting stabbed with a screwdriver goes viral
Several netizens took to Twitter to discuss how distressed they were due to the incident. Some users made references to past incidents of animal cruelty as they recalled cases involving a cat being microwaved, a feline in a blender, and more.
Some netizens used gifs to explain their emotions after they viewed the clip that showed Juice getting stabbed.
A few users discussed how the video shouldn't be shared at all since it encouraged "crazy people."
Juice lost his eye after the attack
The dog named Juice was reportedly brought to the hospital with blood oozing from his eyes and falling onto his collar. The distressed owners revealed that he was injured after burglars attacked him with a screwdriver.
As per HITC, one owner said:
"He probably just went up to them and jumped up and started licking them. He’s so innocent."
Juice was placed under the care of Dr. Laura Musgrove who reportedly stabilized him. Numerous doctors revealed that Juice's retina was damaged during the course of the attack and that his eye was severely injured. They said that the best thing to do in the situation would be to completely remove the eye.
Juice ended up losing his eye but his pain subsided after the successful procedure.
How to report disturbing content on Twitter
Twitter gives users an option to report violent content such as the clip involving the attack on Juice. To report such disturbing videos online, one can select the three dots that appear on the top-right section of a tweet. After clicking on the last option that reads "Report Tweet," netizens can select their reason for flagging the tweet from a list of given options.
Twitter users can choose to block profiles that post disturbing content. They can also mute the profile completely.