In a devastating incident on Tuesday night, January 2, a large fire engulfed a two-family home on Quality Avenue in Somers, resulting in the tragic loss of four children. First Selectman Tim Keeney confirmed that the victims were aged 5, 6, 8, and 12, all from the same family. Their names have not been released.
Firefighters responded to the blaze at around 10.30 pm, finding the entire house ablaze. The intensity of the fire made it challenging for responders to enter, and the house is now considered a total loss.
Somers Fire Department Chief John Roachem reported that the fire originated on Tuesday night, with large flames visible on both the first and second floors. 11 people lived in the home, and initial reports indicated difficulty determining the whereabouts of everyone during the incident.
Firefighters managed to save several residents in the Somers house fire
The blocked back entrance reportedly complicated rescue efforts, but firefighters managed to save several residents. According to CT Insider, a 19-year-old, facing imminent danger, had to jump from a second-floor window to escape the flames. The victims with serious injuries were promptly transported to the hospital, with LifeStar responding to the scene for emergency transport.
The somber atmosphere persisted into Wednesday morning as representatives from the Office of the Chief Medical Examiner and fire investigators set up a canopy near the heavily damaged front side of the house.
First Selectman Keeney expressed his deep sorrow over the unprecedented tragedy, emphasizing the need for time to recover from such a heartbreaking event. Mental health services will be provided to first responders, students, and staff at the schools attended by the deceased children.
Somers Fire Chief Roache said an investigation is going on to determine the cause of the fire
The house, built over a century ago to accommodate mill workers, was a significant part of the community. Somers Fire Chief Roache reported that the state fire marshal's office is leading the investigation to determine the cause of the fire.
As the daybreak revealed the extent of the damage, an unmarked van left the scene at 8.30 am, carrying the bodies of the four children, CT Insider reported. The left side of the house bore heavy damage, and the exterior wall on that side was charred, highlighting the severity of the incident.
Connecticut State Police remained on-site, overseeing the investigation into this tragic event. The community is left grappling with the loss of young children. Moreover, support services will be crucial in helping everyone affected by the devastating fire.