Madeline Kingsbury, a mother of two who hails from Minnesota, has been reported missing since March 31, 2023. According to the Minnesota Police, Madeline was last seen on Friday morning at her home in southeastern Minnesota. She missed her work shift and did not pick up her kids from daycare later that day, leaving her friends and family worried.
They tried calling and texting her but to no avail. Police officials mentioned that as per her family, this was "extremely out of character for her."
The police further said:
"Madeline Kingsbury was supposed to pick up her children from day care that afternoon but didn’t show up or make other arrangements. All of this is extremely out of character for her."
They continued:
"The Winona Police Department and the Fillmore County Sheriff’s Office are asking residents and landowners in eastern Filmore County to check their properties, including video cameras, doorbell cameras, game cameras, etc. for any signs of the van passing through or stopping."
Missing mother-of-two Madeline Kingsbury is 26 years old
26-year-old Madeline Kingsbury is a resident of southeastern Minnesota and is the mother of two children. According to the missing person's poster, she is 5 feet 4 inches tall, 35 lbs, and has hazel eyes. She has short curly brown hair and was last seen on the morning of Friday, March 31, 2023.
Officials have asked anyone with information about the missing woman to contact the police department at 507-457-6288.
Kingsbury's mother, Deanna Naber, also shared a post on Facebook, as she urged individuals with any information to contact the police. She also expressed her love for her daughter and promised to "not stop" looking for her until she is found.
As per The Sun, a van matching the description of Madeline Kingsbury's vehicle was seen making its way from Winona on Friday. The missing woman drives a 2014 Chrysler Town and Country, which is dark blue in color. Police have asked individuals living in the Fillmore County area to check their security cameras for any suspicious activity.
Police are yet to share more details about the search for Kingsbury. Further information about the missing person's case is still awaited and the Winona Police on Tuesday, April 3, said that they will provide an update on the case on April 4, 2023.
A college student earlier went missing from a Minnesota bar on December 24, 2022
There has recently been a surge in the number of missing person cases in Minnesota. Earlier in December 2022, a college student named George Musser went missing from a bar. Three days later, his remains were found in Baytown Township at around 7 pm local time. The college student was 20 years old at the time of his death and was a student at the University of Wisconsin-River Falls.