The well-known K-drama actress Han So-hee surprised fans on Friday, January 12, when she posted a comment under her co-star's old Instagram photo. The two celebrities, D.O. and Han So-hee, who become acquainted with one another after starring in the 2018 historical K-drama, 100 Days My Prince, are known for their subtle friendship.
However, fans did not expect the actress to re-visit D.O.'s 15-week-old Instagram post just for the idol's birthday. She not only remembered that the idol's birthday fell on January 12, but also made sure to request D.O. to post something on Instagram in honor of his birthday.
"Hyung-nim, post something for your birthday."
Fans couldn't help but believe that the actress understood their hopes and was one of them after reading her response. Since the idol has been inactive on Instagram for 15 weeks now, fans felt that the actress spoke as a representative for them.
Fans love K-drama actress Han So-hee's comment on EXO D.O.'s latest Instagram post
Back in 2018, EXO's D.O. starred in the famous historical K-drama, 100 Days My Prince, alongside Han So-hee.
The plot revolves around a rude and arrogant Crown Prince, played by D.O., who gets met with an accident and loses his memory while getting assassinated. He continues to live as a commoner after being taken in by a father and a daughter living in a village. On the other hand, the Crown Princess is played by Han So-hee.
While not many scenes of them together surfaced in the drama, the two sure got to know each other well while working together and seemed to have formed a friendship.
When D.O. posted about his latest appearance on the variety show, GBRB Reap What You Sow, on his official Instagram on September 25, the K-drama actress commented on it three weeks later. Han So-hee wrote,
"Aigoo, hyung-nim."
Many people immediately understood that she was cracking a joke about the Crown Prince in the show co-starred, 100 Days My Prince, since royalties are often referred to addressed like that. However, what fans didn't expect was to see Han So-hee come back to his latest post on the idol's birthday and comment on the same, asking him to post something in honor of his birthday.
Fans felt that even the actress could feel the fandom's restlessness about D.O.'s inactivity so much so that she commented on the post as a representative of the EXO fandom. They also hilariously talked about how she's one among the EXO-Ls who has been waiting around for the idol to update them about his birthday activities.
This interaction also served as a reminder to many that the two starred in a K-drama together and fans now can't stop talking about how they'd love to see them together on the screen again. While their previous roles distanced them from each other, fans are intrigued to see what a rom-com between the two would be like.