Franky Venegas aka Kodiyakredd of Island Boys was arrested while in Pompano Beach, Florida, on Saturday, May 6, 2023. The 21-year-old rapper was taken into custody after his girlfriend told police that he slapped her and pushed her into the pool. TMZ reported that the incident took place on Saturday in the pool area of an Airbnb rental after the rapper's girlfriend threatened to break up with him. She reportedly wanted to end their relationship due to his "physical abusive behavior."
The rapper's girlfriend said that he shoved her into the shallow end of the pool due to which she struck her chin on the pool's concrete floor. It is unclear when authorities were called, however, they did note that she had bruises on her chin, legs, and arms, when they interviewed her later in the hospital.
As news of his arrest made headlines, netizens were quick to share their reactions, with one person even saying that they were "0% surprised" at the news.
Internet users react to Franky Venegas' arrest, no one is surprised
After seeing Franky Venegas' mugshot and learning about the allegations against him, Twitterati was not impressed. While some of them used sarcastic jibes to call out his problematic and abusive behavior, others made puns from his song, I'm an Island Boy to claim that he would go to an Island Prison.
Who are the Island Boys?
Island Boys is a duo comprised of twin brothers Kodiyakredd (Franky Venegas) and Flyysoulja (Alex Venegas). The brother hail from Coral Springs, Florida, and are known for their hip-hop and rap songs on TikTok. They went viral due to their song I'm an Island Boy, which garnered over 9 million views.
The duo is known best by their facial tattoos, diamond teeth, and straight dreadlocks. The Venegas twins had frequent run-ins with the law growing up as they often committed crimes like robbery, grand theft auto, and possessing narcotics.
In January 2022, Franky Venegas was accused of domestic violence in an Instagram story by his then-girlfriend Montaisha Shanell. Some of the charges even dated back as far as April 2021. Later in March 2022, his brother's girlfriend accused Franky of hitting her after she refused to leave their house. However, no charges were filed.
The rapper was arrested on Saturday on the charges of domestic battery and later released. Franky Venegas announced his release with a photo of his mug shot with a close-up of his heavily tattoed face shared on his IG.