In a recent interview with British journalist Harry Cole, Keir Starmer, leader of the Labour Party, made headlines as he declined to deny allegations of past drug use seven times, stating simply,
"I had a good time when I was a student."
When Harry Cole, the host of his show Never Mind The Ballots on March 21, 2024, asked what he meant by it, Starmer said,
"I am not going down that route."
Sir Keir Rodney Starmer has served as Leader of the Opposition and Leader of the Labour Party since 2020. Since 2015, he has also been a Member of Parliament for Holborn and St Pancras.
Keir Starmer and the alleged drug denial

In an interview conducted by Harry Cole on The Sun's new politics show Never Mind The Ballots on Thursday, March 21, 2024, the Labour Party's leader was asked whether he had taken drugs during his jobbing lawyer tenure. Keir Starmer denied it despite being asked seven times.
On Keir's response, Harry continued asking for clarification or further details about his statement. However, Keir Starmer continued replying the same and denied affirming the statement. Harry asked the Politician again if he had been allegedly taking illegal substances while jobbing lawyer. Sir Keir refused to deny the allegation again and responded,
"I had a good time when a student and whichever way you put this Harry. I am not going down that route."

Sir Keir studied law at Leeds, where he became a member of the university's Labour Club. He graduated from Oxford and continued his post-graduation studies.
Regarding the drugs allegation, in May 2021, Keir Starmer, in an ITV interview with British politician Piers Morgan, was also asked 14 times whether he had taken any illegal substance stronger than alcohol. Keir denied it and said, "We worked hard and played hard."
When Piers pressed on more, the Politician replied, "Drugs weren't my thing." However, when asked multiple times to answer either 'yes' or 'no,' Keir Starmer refused to give a straight answer.

In the recent interview with Harry Cole, Keir was asked about trans, drugs, and sex life, but the latter dodged all questions and refused to respond.
Later, Sir Keir was questioned about why he failed to fulfill many of his previous promises, suggesting that the triple lock be protected for 12 million pensioners. Keir emphasized that he was being truthful and sincere with voters. He said,
"I've got a choice to make with the electorate, which is do I be up front before the election about what we actually can afford and what we can't or do I pretend we can deliver something which I know we actually can't."
However, the journalist proposed polling data that showed many British people view him as untrustworthy. When confronted with this data, he expressed concern about the perception that he broke promises.