On April 22, 2023, during the ninth episode of Jinny's Kitchen, BTS' V once again stole the show with his adorable interaction with a customer's baby. The group's final day on their embarkation with their Korean snack restaurant in Bacalar, Mexico, has finally arrived, and their aim for the day was to earn 12,000 pesos. As the employees lifted the shutters for the restaurant, customers constantly visited the snack bar.
One such customer was a woman and her child, which immediately lifted the moods of all the employees. While they all tried to make her laugh, their efforts were in vain until BTS' V stepped in. As soon as the baby saw V and his wide boxy smile, the baby immediately giggled, revealing a happy face. The incident once again proved that V is quite the baby whisper, and he’s great at handling them.
ARMYs gush at BTS' V for making a baby customer laugh in Jinny's Kitchen with his boxy smile
When the employees rolled out their ninth day with their Korean snack bar in Jinny's Kitchen, they started off with a lot of enthusiasm, looking forward to reaching their goal for the day. When a woman walked in with her baby, the employees were all the more rejoiced since the restaurant rarely gets any young customers.
Excited and in hopes of impressing the baby, the employees, Park Seo-joon, Woo Shik, and Lee Seo-jin, swarmed in front of the baby. They put forth several of their antics to make the baby laugh, which unfortunately failed. While BTS' V was able to make her laugh easily, both fans and employees were impressed.
Additionally, there was another instance that warmed the audience's hearts. Since the start of Jinny's Kitchen, a stray dog has been consistently visiting the restaurant. BTS' V instantly formed a bond with the dog, who they named Perro, and they continued to have many cute interactions throughout the show. This episode was no exception.
Before the restaurant opened, the employees were getting things ready for the long day ahead of them. Meanwhile, V sat down next to Perro, petting him and spending quality time with him. Both seemed comfortable in each other's company, and fans found their interactions adorable. With quite a long list of interactions between him and the babies and animals, fans are convinced that the idol is a baby and an animal whisper.
In light of the same, fans have brought up several past instances where BTS' V has effortlessly been handled children. In a scene from BTS Memories of 2020, there was an instance where the members were playing with a staff member's baby. While the baby started crying when she was with Jin, j-hope, and Jungkook, V stole the show by calming her down and having a bonding session with the baby.
As BTS' V continues to swoon his fans with his endless list of adorable interactions with kids and animals, fans' love for him only doubles up.