Actor Bob Odenkirk, renowned for his role as the cunning lawyer Saul Goodman in Breaking Bad and Better Call Saul, is in the news due to his unexpected connection to the Royal family. The revelation comes from an episode of the genealogy-based US television show Finding Your Roots, which delves into the family histories of celebrities.
The episode, scheduled to air on January 30 on PBS in the US, discloses that Odenkirk is the 11th cousin of King Charles III. The show's host, Henry Louis Gates Jr., takes Odenkirk through five generations of his family tree, uncovering a connection that traces back to his fifth great-grandfather, Friedrich Carl Steinholz.
Born in Plön, Germany, in 1755, Steinholz's unconventional origins reveal a tie to the Duke of Plön, who had connections to various European royal families through intermarriage.
Initially, Bob Odenkirk expresses a sense of detachment from the revelation, stating,
"I’m an American. I’m not a monarchist. I don’t believe in that."
He reflects on the historical significance of monarchy but emphasizes his belief in the superiority of democracy, stating,
"But I think that we’ve gotten to a better place with democracy and we should keep going down that road."
However, when the revelation about Odenkirk's familial connection to the current king of the United Kingdom comes to light, the actor's tone shifts, and laughter ensues. "Well, maybe I'll change my mind on that!" he exclaims, adding a humorous touch to the unexpected discovery.
Bob Odenkirk was surprised after discovering King Charles III is his cousin
Bob Odenkirk, a Chicago native globally recognized for his role in Better Call Saul, appears genuinely surprised and amused by the revelation. The actor's initial resistance to the idea of a monarchy takes a lighthearted turn as he contemplates his newfound royal connections.
The episode showcases Bob Odenkirk's genuine reactions, featuring clips of him exclaiming, "That's insane!" and expressing a wish that his late mother could hear the news. The humorous exchange between Odenkirk and Gates adds a lighthearted touch to the discovery, turning a potentially serious matter into an amusing family revelation.
It is worth noting that the genealogy series Finding Your Roots has a history of uncovering surprising familial connections among celebrities. Odenkirk joins a list of notable personalities who have explored their family histories on the show, including Julia Roberts, Maya Rudolph, Jeff Goldblum, Anjelica Huston, Michael Strahan, Terry Crews, Billy Crudup, Carol Burnett, Bill Hader, Tracy Morgan, and Nas.
The episode that highlights the actor's unexpected link to the British monarchy is set to air on PBS on January 30 at 8 pm E.T., inviting audiences to witness Odenkirk's playful reaction to his royal lineage.