Deadpool 3, a sequel to the critically acclaimed Deadpool and Deadpool 2, features Ryan Reynolds as Merc with a Mouth in the lead character. This is the third film in the franchise to be developed under the Marvel Studios banner, right after Disney acquired 20th Century Fox. Additionally, Hugh Jackman makes his first appearance in the Marvel Cinematic Universe as Wolverine.
A new teaser was revealed on Sunday evening, February 11, where Reynolds, as Wade is celebrating his birthday and approaches his companions. Deadpool declared in the trailer that,
"Your small cinematic universe is about to undergo an irrevocable transformation."
A sequence ensues in which he states with assurance to Macfayden,
"I am the Messiah. I... Am... Marvel Jesus."
Fans are truly ecstatic to see Reynolds and Jackman back in action, bringing their iconic characters together for what promises to be an epic reunion. They are on board to discover some intriguing elevations hidden within the Deadpool 3 teaser.
Deadpool 3 trailer confirms the title of Wolverine and an epic multiverse plot
Reynolds and Marvel Studios have at last unveiled the inaugural Deadpool 3 trailer during the 2024 Super Bowl, following weeks of anticipation. In addition to numerous Deadpool 3 set photographs, the film's official title, Deadpool & Wolverine, was definitively confirmed with the trailer.
The theatrical debut of Deadpool & Wolverine arrives on July 26. It is the only Marvel Cinematic Universe film currently scheduled for 2024; however, Sony will release Madame Web, Kraven the Hunter, and Venom 3, all of which are set in the Spider-Man universe. Aside from cameo appearances by other characters in more recent films, this is the first MCU film to feature X-Men characters in the main cast.
As hinted at in the Deadpool 3 trailer, Deadpool criticizes his new right-hand man during the concluding combat sequence. As he lies on the fissured ground, Wolverine approaches him directly and covers him in his shadow. He demands by raising his head:
"You primate, do not simply stand there. Extend your hand to me."
In response, Wolverine retracts his talons. When he realizes his impoliteness and the destructive potential of those talons, he retracts his orders and exclaims,
"Nope. In actuality, everything is fine; many thanks!"
While Marvel Comics does feature a character by the name of Paradox, Deadpool & Wolverine's rendition seems to be an entirely new incarnation of the character. The film explicitly declares Wade's readiness to participate, even going so far as to refer to himself as the Marvel Jesus.
A significant MCU connection is established in Deadpool & Wolverine through Loki's Time Variance Authority, which binds Wade's film series to the continuity of Marvel Studios. Although none of the recognizable TVA members from Loki are present, the identity of Matthew Macfadyen's enigmatic character, an agent named Paradox, is unveiled.
Additionally, the teaser establishes unequivocally that the Fox-Marvel universe is nearing its conclusion. Logan approaches Wade in the closing seconds of the Deadpool 3 trailer; however, how he has returned is currently unknown.
Deadpool 3 sparked excitement among fans with the trailer as a much-needed progression for the MCU.
A few users on X expressed their happiness and praised the teaser with their comments:
The trailer released yesterday is a wonderful first look at Deadpool & Wolverine, setting up what will likely be an MCU game-changer.
The premiere of Deadpool & Wolverine is scheduled for theatrical release across the United States on July 26.