In a YouTube shorts video shared on her official channel on July 31, Bunnie Xo responded to the negative comments she has been receiving lately about her IVF treatment. The famous podcaster and her husband Jelly Roll announced their decision to have a baby in June this year. Both of them planned to welcome their new child via IVF.
Bunnie Xo is a podcaster and runs a YouTube channel. She took to her YouTube shorts to respond to a negative comment. Her comment comes after a particular social media user wrote that she was in no shape to be a perfect candidate for IVF.
“So to respond to this garbage comment right here actually yes I am a perfect candidate.”
Jelly Roll is an American singer and rapper known for two of his prominent singles, Son of a Sinner and Need a Favor. On June 4, Bunnie shared a clip of Jelly Roll in a podcast Bussin' With The Boys. She wrote that they have been meeting IVF specialists already. However, they wanted to share their journey with everyone.
"We had planned on doing this privately, but decided our ivf journey needed to be shared because we've always been so open. And w/ all odds stacked against us, it's already been hard & we have only just begun. We have been meeting w' IVF doctors & exploring all our options to add to our family."
Bunnie Xo talks about the aneurysm scare
Apart from responding to the negative comment, the podcaster shared her experience of an aneurysm scare, which made her go for a second medical opinion. The vascular neurosurgeon, whom she consulted, confirmed that it wasn’t an aneurysm but a blood vessel on the back of her carotid arteries. Her doctor double-checked because her mother had an aneurysm that ruptured.
Bunnie Xo stated having healthy anxiety and thus wanted to put a rush on the tests. After confirming that there was nothing serious about her tests, the doctor said that she was free to try any sporting activity she wanted,
“He said if you want to play tackle football, you can. If you want to bungee jump, you can. He said pretty much I release you to do back to whatever it is that sets your soul on fire.”
Earlier in July, similar negative comments flooded the podcaster’s social media platforms, and it was after the couple decided on having the baby through surrogacy. Bunnie expressed her disgust and was compelled to disclose her reasons for choosing an assisted reproductive technique. In a Facebook post shared on July 7, the podcaster wrote,
"This is so gross. You guys think I don't want to carry because of my body lol...When in actuality I'm scared to because I've had two ectopic pregnancies and miscarriages AND at my age, I do not want to go thru that again nor do we have time for me to do that because our life is happening so fast."
The couple is eagerly looking forward to expanding their family. Jelly has a daughter, Bailee, and a son, Noah, from his previous relationships.