Following the unfortunate passing of ASTRO's Moonbin last month, his agency Fantiago Entertainment opened up his memorial on their premises on May 12, 2023. Among the many fans who visited the idol's memorial to bid farewell to him, fellow band member Sanha also left a mark of his visit. He knew that many AROHAs (ASTRO's fandom) will visit the memorial, and wrote them a letter, reassuring them and giving them hope.
Sanha's letter addressing the fans reached the internet through one of the fans who attended the memorial. Upon seeing it, fans couldn't control their emotions and while some were happy about it, others sobbed and said that it was evident that Sanha was also going through a tough time. They found his letter to be comforting and empowering which they claimed warmed their hearts, with one fan even saying that they "teared up a little."
Fans tear up at ASTRO Sanha's letter to AROHAs at Moonbin's memorial
Following Moonbin's death on April 19, 2023, his agency, Fantiago Entertainment opened up a memorial for fans, relatives, friends, and acquaintances to visit. While the memorial was expected to close much sooner, after taking into consideration of fans' requests, the memorial will be kept until June 6, 2023. That would mark the 49th day after Moonbin's death.
After this announcement, many people visited to pay their respects to the late K-pop idol with flowers and letters, and ASTRO's Sanha was one such visitor. While this comes as no surprise to fans given the close relationship Moonbin and Sanha shared throughout their career, what fans didn't expect was a letter for them.
Here's what the short yet warm letter read:
"AROHA, it's me Sanha! You guys must be having it hard and are very sad, right? Be as sad as you need to be, and then pull yourself together. Rohas need to show their smiling selves for hyung (Moonbin) to be happy. I'm doing well so don't worry. Our AROHAs, please be happy and healthy."
Following the release of the letter on the internet, Twitter was flooded with overwhelming responses from AROHAs. Given that it's been quite a tough and challenging time for the ASTRO members and their fans, the letter warmed the fans. It also made many people tear up again as all their memories from the past month's tragedy came flooding back to the fans.
They said that they were very grateful for Sanha's members. While fans are trying their best to overcome the heartbreaking death of their idol with distraction, it has clearly been difficult for them. When Sanha wrote his letter to his fans, it gave them hope and comfort. The letter was also a reassurance for fans that the idol was trying his best to overcome the incident and get back to being active with his fans.
After Sanha's message at Moonbin's memorial, fans revisited the idol's love for his fans and it comforted and validated them.