Merv Griffin’s Wheel of Fortune is an entertaining game show that comprises contestants deciphering anagrams in a bid to win cash prizes. It has remained on air since 1975 and is currently in its 41st season.
Among the many entertaining moments in the 30 January 2024 episode, a young contestant named Megan was caught in a situation when her seemingly correct answer went unheard by host Pat Sajack.
It led to a range of reactions on X as fans talked about how she was grossly unlucky to leave without winning.
Wheel of Fortune contestant's answer leaves fans confused
Precision, of course, is especially important in Wheel of Fortune as contestants have to guess the entire phrase correctly in order to go through. The ticking clock and the resulting nervousness also pose a challenge.
Megan, a high school student from California, was in the bonus puzzle round on Wheel of Fortune, which gives contestants a chance to maximize earnings. The ‘Living Thing’ category had the following puzzle: "_ N R _ _ _,"
The letters given to the Wheel of Fortune contestant were: "RSTLNE,” as she proceeded to guess letters. The anagram eventually became "P_N_ _RC _ D,” and fans believe Megan's final guess was ‘Pink Orchard.’ However, the way the phrase came out of her mouth nervously, it looked like host Sajack skipped past it and Megan ended up losing the round and the $40,000 prize money.
As can be seen above, fans had varied reactions. Some claimed she mumbled Pink Orchid and deserved to win while others believe she may have uttered something else.
The judges, of course, thought differently, as Pat Sajack claimed that Megan might have been fixated on the type of orchid a bit too much. One of her guesses included Pony Orchid, which is also understandable, considering the category in question was ‘Living Thing.’
One can assume that the judges and the showrunners can hear the contestants better than the audience during the show. The decision itself does not solely lie with the judges, as instances of decisions being changed have been common in the past. The fact that it did not happen this time means that Megan might as well have said something else.