The recoupling on Tuesday, February 6, 2024, on Love Island: All-Stars left fans heartbroken after the dumping of Kaz Kamwi. Three new bombshells, Joe Garratt and the twins Eve and Jess Gale, who recently arrived at the South African villa were given the first choice to pick a partner.
Joe coupled with Arabella Chi, Jess chose Callum Jones, while Eve opted for Casey O'Gorman. Subsequently, the remaining boys were allowed to choose girls they had already partnered with. Tom Clare stayed with Molly Smith, Joshua Ritchie chose Sophie Piper, Anton Danyluk picked Georgia Harrison, and Toby Aromolaran stayed with Georgia Steel.
Ultimately, it was left up to Chris to choose between Kaz and Joanna. He stuck with Joanna, leaving Kaz single and thereby dumped from the villa. Love Island fans weren't impressed with Kaz's exit from the show. A user @Hot_x_Pot wrote on X:
"If Kaz goes home I will stop watching Love Island and ITV."
Love Island villa in tears after Kaz's dumping
Kaz had a rocky time inside the South African villa, which included her not only failing to develop a lasting connection with another islander but also coming face-to-face with her ex, Tyler Cruickshank. However, Kaz built a strong friendship with her co-stars, offering wise advice to islanders whenever needed, which is why her being dumped left the entire villa in tears.
Toby Aromolaran, Kaz's close pal, embraced her and broke down while bidding farewell to her.
After her exit, she spoke to show host Maya Jama about her emotional farewell. She said:
"I was like 'yeah I'm not gonna cry' and then I saw Toby (crying) I was like 'sh*t!'"
Though she had an awkward reunion with her ex Tyler Cruickshank on national television, Kaz believed their appearance had helped the exes find closure.
She continued:
"I genuinely did not think Tyler would walk through the doors at all. At all! I think we fell back into old ways, we got comfortable and then I thought we were having separate journeys and I wanted to respect that. I thought we left it on a nice note."
Kaz also reflected on not finding a strong connection inside the villa but did reveal she experienced some sparks flying with Casey. However, they soon realized things wouldn't work out for them. But Kaz has no hard feelings for Casey, she noted:
"It's a hard one with Casey I think he's so sweet and so lovely."
In her opinion, it is Molly and Tom or Sophie and Josh who have been able to build a strong connection on Love Island: All-Stars. Kaz said they had spent enough time in their coupling and had a tendency to gravitate back to each other. She explained:
"They all have really strong connections and have been patient with each other."
Love Island fans "pissed" after Kaz's exit
A barrage of viewers couldn't fathom how Georgia S, who's never stayed loyal in her coupling, got picked and Kaz ended up single and dumped. Many believed that the makers of the show "did her dirty" by not sending her a good match. A few said they're "livid" to watch Kaz getting dumped after all the advice she's given to the islanders.
Meanwhile, those that stan Kaz have declared they're not going to continue watching the show now that she won't be a part of the South African villa.
Those interested can watch the new episodes of Love Island: All-Stars on ITV2 and ITVX.