Gregg Wallace, the renowned MasterChef judge and television personality, found himself at the center of a heated online debate after sharing insights into his Saturday routine in a recent block for The Telegraph's 'My Saturday' column. The disclosure sparked a wave of criticism and dad-shaming from netizens.
The Telegraph's 'My Saturday' is a column in the magazine where celebrities share their downtime and how they usually spend it with readers. On Tuesday, February 6, 2024, at 7 am, Telegraph Magazine published the usual 'My Saturday' column where Gregg Wallace shared his downtime. In his column, Gregg wrote,
"I'm older, although another child isn't something that I would have chosen at my age."
The statement quickly garnered attention, with many users on X expressing outrage and accusing Wallace of insensitivity towards those who aspire to become parents or are already raising children. One tweeted,
Gregg is a father of two children — Tom Wallace and Libby Wallace.
Gregg Wallace faces heat after parenthood comment in Saturday routine disclosure
Gregg is an English broadcaster and entrepreneur known for his contributions to MasterChef as a judge. The 59-year-old presenter and a dad to two has revealed his usual Saturday routine on Telegraph Magazine, which published the column on February 6, 2024.
The column disclosed his usual wake-up time, which is 5 am, nothing special for Saturdays. It also stated that Gregg aims for 50,000 steps a week, has 18 percent body fat, what he likes for lunch, and at 1.30 pm, he likes to play with his son.
One statement regarding Gregg's parenthood responsibility triggered a significant backlash among the netizens. He mentioned:
"Having another child at this stage of my life isn't a decision I would have made willingly."
Gregg wrote in the column,
"I'm much better father now. I'm older, although another child isn't something that I would have chosen at my age. I was always very honest with Anna, but it's what she wanted, and I love her. I just requested two things — that we have had help in the house (so her mum moved in), and secondly that we had at least one week a year when we holidayed just the two of us."
This revelation triggered a surge of disapproval and criticism from netizens.
As the debate continues to unfold, Gregg Wallace has yet to respond to the backlash.
Who is Gregg Wallace?
A 59-year-old TV judge, Gregg was born in London on October 17, 1964. He is an English broadcaster, entrepreneur, media personality, writer, and former greengrocer.
Gregg Wallace is best known as a judge in MasterChef. He has been doing the MasterChef gig since 2005. He is also on the MasterChef: The Professionals and Celebrity MasterChef panel.
However, he started his career as a greengrocer and later joined television, becoming one of the most prominent TV judges in the United Kingdom. He has a net worth of $5 million, as per The Sun.