Felix of Stray Kids went viral among the locals during the MTV VMAs 2023, and it is not because of the award the group had won. Among the two K-pop acts present, one was Stray Kids, and they won the award for Best K-pop 2023. This event, held on September 13, 2023, witnessed one of the most stellar performances of the night from Stray Kids.
The group performed their recent massive hit S-Class, in front of some of the biggest music dignitaries from around the globe and left them, as well as the fans, completely spellbound. Among the group, one particular person that stood out was member Felix. He succeeded in captivating everyone with his newly done "blonde hair" look, leaving non K-pop fans asking to know more about him.
Felix's blonde beauty leaves fans and non-fans gushing over his visuals
Stray Kids were awarded Best K-pop for their song S-Class at the VMAs 2023. This award marked their first award on an international music platform and announced their fanfare to the world. The MTV Video Music Awards is an international music award platform that sees the likes of the biggest names of global music.
In such a scenario, it is natural for many artists to not know about the group's existence. However, this unfamiliarity lasted only for a few hours before the group gave an electrifying performance on the VMA stage. This performance left everyone energized with a special mention of Taylor Swift, who even gave them a standing ovation after the performance.
Stray kids powerfully moved their bodies to the rhythm of S-Class, and two members in particular succeeded in capturing the attention of the non K-pop fans, Hyunjin and Felix. The latter, who was rocking his new blonde hair, stood out the most and had non K-pop fans going gaga over his visuals.
Clad in a classic Louis Vuitton outfit for the dance performance, Felix left netizens trending the hashtag "Blonde guy." There were millions of comments asking about his name after the broadcast of their dance performance.
The fans took up the responsibility to inform as they felt the need to let these non-K-pop fans know about Felix’s identity. Fans started tweeting with his photos, revealing his name and the group he belongs to.
STAYs, fans of the group, took utmost pride in their beloved member getting all the attention. Below are some of their comments about this blonde look.
The outfit that the Maniac singer donned during the group’s performance was an expensive Louis Vuitton look. The defining point was his blonde hair, which brought the whole look together.
Felix is one of the most well-known members of the group, and it will be interesting to watch what kind of effect the viral blonde hair look will have on the Stray Kids' popularity.