A high school in Seattle recently sparked backlash as a student was marked incorrect on a quiz for agreeing that men can not get pregnant. The student's mother spoke to Jason Rantz from the conservative radio show KTTH 770 AM on Sunday, December 10, and shared the story.
The 10th grader from Chief Sealth International High School reportedly failed a ‘true or false’ quiz titled “Understanding Gender vs. S*x” given by his Ethnic Studies World History teacher. He labeled two of the statements as ‘true’. One of them said every man has a pen*s while the other stated only women can bear children.
The teacher, identified as Ian Golash by Jason Rantz, marked both of his answers as incorrect and failed him in the supposed “knowledge check” quiz, as claimed by his mother. She reportedly wished to maintain her anonymity to prevent her son from getting penalized as she told KTTH 770 AM:
“I keep trying to wrap my head around how it is legal to teach inaccurate information and force students to answer against their beliefs or receive negative scores.”
The mother alleged that her son is often called names at the school by the teachers and also ridiculed for his “white privilege”. The Seattle Public Schools issued a statement where the board members sided with the teacher.
Several netizens criticized both the teacher and the school district. One X user Andrew Wilson called the Seattle school a centre of indoctrination.
Seattle school comes under fire for failing student on gender and s*x-related quiz
Many conservatives criticized the Seattle school and the teacher for the incident. They called Ian's teachings "false", "inaccurate", and "lies". Some suggested parents should either homeschool their children or put them in private schools.
The Seattle Public School's response
While responding to the incident, the school district said:
“Seattle Public Schools is dedicated to establishing inclusive environments that allow exploration of contemporary issues, specifically examining the impacts of power systems such as racism and patriarchy.”
The district further stated they are also committed to fostering inclusive and welcoming settings where students, families, and faculty members can have the liberty “to express their authentic selves.”
The student’s mother told the KTTH radio show that her son was called a “product of the patriarchy” by his teachers in previous separate incidents. She claimed that the school told him:
“He shouldn’t use the term straight to identify because it’s offensive.”
The mother expressed that despite her son failing the quiz, she was proud of him for refusing to answer the test against his beliefs.