A group calling themselves the Scientist Rebellion took over the Porsche Pavilion in Autostadt, a tourist attraction opposite the Volkswagen factory in Wolfsburg, Germany. Using superglue, the nine environmental activists stuck leaflets to the cars on display and then subsequently glued their palms to the showroom floor on Thursday, October 20.
The aim of the protest was to highlight Volkswagen's ability to take a stand against pollution and climate change because it is the second-largest car producer in the world. They also asked the company to encourage public transport and support a speed cap for the country’s highways at 100 kph (62 mph).
The incident sparked an online frenzy, with people calling out the scientists for their inane actions. One user called out the irony of them using glue made from petroleum to protest the use of petroleum.
Netizens call out protesters at Porsche pavilion
Just a few hours in, the eco-crusaders took to Twitter to share about the situation they were in.
Gianluca Grimalda, one of the scientists, gave a thorough update on the proceedings. He was one of the first to glue himself to the floor, but was also one of the first to leave, claiming that the glued hand had swelled to two times its size, causing life-threatening clots.
The remaining eight protesters, along with six Scientist Rebellion members who weren't glued, stayed in the pavilion till Friday morning.
Volkswagen offered food to the protestors, but after the Porsche museum staffers wrapped up for the day, the protesters stated that they were left in the dark with no heating, and that security guards did their rounds with 'bright torches.'
Complaints about the staffers' refusal to help the protestors have become the subject of hilarious reactions online. The Twitterverse is aflood with people slamming their "childishness" and their serious lack of planning, calling them clowns.
Porsche pavilion climate protest is the latest in line of multiple protests
Climate change activists have been very active in the past few months. Apart from the Porsche pavilion incident, activists have been seen outside other automobile stores like Aston Martin. They are also seen defacing expensive art in museums and blocking busy motorways.
Protesters stormed the luxury car brand's pavilion in Autostadt to protest against carbon emissions. A collective of academics, dressed in white lab coats, glued leaflets to the luxury cars on display detailing the carbon emission levels of each car.
Some then glued themselves onto the showroom floor, before one member took to Twitter to document the event. Some even went on a hunger strike.
Grimalda also claimed that supporters were allowed to leave the building, but were not permitted to enter again.
It was reported that the staff of the Porsche Pavilion recognized the group's right to protest and didn't immediately call the police. However, after 42 hours of protesting, the police were finally summoned.