The latest fake news to be making rounds on social media is that popular actor Sam Elliott has tragically passed away. The rumor began when a few social media users started posting tributes for the actor. One such Facebook post read:
“At about 11 a.m. ET on Friday (August 04, 2023), our beloved actor Sam Elliott passed away. Sam Elliott was born on August 9, 1944 in Sacramento. He will be missed but not forgotten. Please show your sympathy and condolences by commenting on and liking this page.”
As this post went viral, several fans and followers were left shocked. However, in reality, Sam Elliott is not dead, as his family has not confirmed the news. Neither have any reliable and verified news agencies or media houses reported the actor's death.
Even his representative has stated that he is alive.
Born in 1944, Sam Elliott is currently 79 years old: All about the actor amid false death reports
As soon as the death hoax was noticed by the actor's team, his representatives clarified that he was just a “victim of the death hoax.” As per MediaMass, a statement released by Sam Elliott's representative read as follows:
“He joins the long list of celebrities who have been victimized by this hoax. He's still alive and well, stop believing what you see on the Internet."
Samuel Pack Elliot, better known as Sam Elliot, was born on August 9, 1944, and is currently 79 years old. Having a long-spanning career, the actor has been featured in many popular movies and TV Shows. His movies like The Way West, Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid, as well as TV series like Murder in Texas, 1883, Virgil Earp, and more, have been super hits.
He has also received appreciation in the form of awards for his work. Elliott has been the recepient of many awards, including the Screen Actors Guild Awards, the National Board of Review Awards, and the Emmy Awards. Moreover, he was also nominated for other prestigious awards like Academy Awards, Critics’ Choice Movie Awards, and much more.
Sam Elliott started his career with the popular show Lancer and rose to success from there. Born in Texas, he moved to Oregon with his family when he was in his teenage years. Having graduated from the University of Oregon, he attended Clark College in Washington.
Talking about his personal life, he is married to Katherine Ross. The couple tied the knot in 1984 and have a daughter, Cleo. They reside in Malibu.
As mentioned earlier, Elliott is alive and the same has been confirmed by his representative. This latest death hoax is a key reason why netizens are always advised to verify any information before spreading it on social media.