Over the weekend, a series of viral pictures emerged across social media platforms claiming that Disneyland hosted “cigarette night” in 1984. The pictures were first shared on X (formerly Twitter) by a user named @ShutupAndrosky. They posted a poster of Donald Duck on a pile of cigarettes, with the banner “Cigarette Night” written underneath in white against a blue background. The caption of the tweet read as follows:
At the time of writing, the post garnered over 1.9 million views and was shared nearly 4,000 times.
While many netizens believed the post, as per many media sources, including Know Your Meme, the claim is false, and there is no evidence that such a thing existed. In fact, the news outlet has debunked the claim, saying the pictures were all generated using artificial intelligence.
"Finally, ethical AI art": Netizens have wild reactions to Disneyland Cigarette Night claims
On Sunday, October 1, an X user with the handle @ShutupAndrosky shared an image of Donald Duck sitting on top of a mountain made with cigarettes, allegedly in Disneyland in 1984, on a night called Cigarette Night.
Later, the same user shared a series of other Disney characters from the alleged cigarette night. The images showed Snow White’s dwarfs starting a bonfire using cigarettes, Mickey Mouse relaxing with a cigarette in his mouth, and Winnie the Pooh handing out cigarettes to children visiting Disneyland.
All of these posters seemed to be advertisements for a 1984 Cigarette Night that the netizen claimed took place in Disneyland and reportedly encouraged visitors to smoke at the park.
However, several online news outlets, including Pirates & Princesses, that deal with Disney-related stories have stated that the images are digitally manipulated and AI-generated. The news outlets reported that no such evidence can be found in the Disney archives, not even dating back to 1984.
Therefore, despite the high-resolution posters that seem to be real, they are not. In fact, as per Know Your Meme, the distorted text below the images suggests the use of artificial intelligence.
However, netizens seemed to have mixed reactions to them. While some believed the possibility, others didn’t seem to buy them. Here are some of the wild reactions from the comment section of @ShutupAndrosky's original tweet:
Meanwhile, the Pirates & Princesses website discovered that two AI-generated posters showed Princess Jasmine, one with Jafar and the other with Genie. However, the film Aladdin, to which these characters belong, was not released until 1992. So, it was extremely unlikely that such a poster would be used as part of an ad campaign by Disney eight years before that.
The website also revealed that Disneyland was permitted to sell cigarettes in their Tobacco Shop for adults from 1955 to 2007. But even then, the alleged cigarette night never existed. Not only that, but the spelling errors, weird fingers and toes on the characters, and random objects floating in the background of the posters further prove them to be AI-generated.
Interestingly, legend has it that Walt Disney’s ghost often haunted Disneyland with a cigarette in his hand and leaning against a lamppost by the theater where Great Moments With Lincoln is shown, as per Disney Fanatic.
Over the years, Walt Disney Studio has even attempted to remove all cigarette and tobacco-related content from their cartoons, films, comics, and more.