Love Island: All Stars aired its season premiere on Monday, January 15, 2024, and Jake Cornish has already quit the show. The franchise's latest spin-off brought back a cast made up entirely of former islanders and fan favorites, including Jake and his ex-girlfriend Liberty Poole.
Due to a twist, viewers got to decide which islanders would be coupled up, and the two ended up being paired together. When Maya Jama asked the two how they felt, Jake noted that he "didn't hate the girl." However, Liberty was brutally honest and noted that there was no chance of reconciliation.
But not even 24 hours after the first episode aired, the cast member has reportedly left the ITV show, according to The Sun. Fans have taken to social media to react to the shocking news. One person, @charloteee30, wrote on X:
"Jake quitting Love Island already is wild."
Love Island: All Stars will air another episode on Tuesday, January 16, at 4 pm ET.
Jake Cornish leaves Love Island: All Stars after awkward reunion with ex, Liberty Poole
Jake Cornish's sudden Love Island exit has fans stunned. The spin-off series, Love Island: All Stars, aired its season premiere on Monday, and within hours of the episode airing, The Sun reported that the islander, who was previously seen during season 7, abruptly left the show.
In the season premiere, Jake came face-to-face with Liberty Poole, the woman he was coupled up with in season 7, and the interaction was awkward, to say the least. When the entire cast gathered, Maya Jama asked them to stand in a line. She then asked the female islanders to pick who they wanted to be coupled up with. However, not a single woman chose Jake.
The Love Island: All Stars host returned later in the episode and told the cast that viewers had the power to pick the pairs, and Love Island exes Jake and Liberty were once again coupled up.
While the two previously noted that there was no "bad blood" between them, Jake Cornish left the show three days after being coupled up with Liberty. The Sun reported that Jake was "really shocked" to see her in the villa.
"Jake had a nice three days in the villa and had a very emotional chat to Maya Jama. Jake couldn't stay in the villa so he quit the show - it's not his time and it's not the right time to find love."
Fans took to social media to react to the sudden exit.
Love Island: All Stars will air another episode on Tuesday, January 16, at 4 pm ET on ITV.