Below Deck Adventure Season 1 aired its finale episode on Tuesday, January 31, 2023, at 9 pm ET on Bravo. The one-hour episode documented the cast members diligently reporting on their duties and managing their charter guests, while also being involved in conflicts and confrontations because of persisting issues between them, leading to significant drama throughout the episode.
On this week's episode of Below Deck Adventure, chef Jess had a breakdown and wanted to quit the boat after Captain Kerry confronted her about her behavior. Following a brief moment in her room, she bounced back to complete her final charter on a high by making some incredible food.
Fans were disappointed with the chef. One tweeted:
The latest spin-off of the Below Deck franchise has been extremely well-received by the audience. Cast members of the series include Captain Kerry Titheradge, Chef Jessica Condy, Chief Stew Faye Clark, Stews Oriana Schneps, and Kasie Faddah, Bosun Lewis Lupton, and Deckhands Michael Gilman, Nathan Morely, and Lead Deckhand Seth Jacobson.
The official synopsis of the episode, titled The Long Fjord-Bye, reads:
"After Kerry calls out her intimidating behaviour, Jess makes a decision on whether or not to leave the Mercury; Faye faces her toughest test yet when she has to model the primary's dress at a photo shoot; Seth confronts Kasie."
Jess returns to her work after almost quitting Below Deck Adventure
Tonight's episode of Below Deck Adventure began with the cast members managing their final charter guests/ However, chef Jess was spiraling with her management. Over the past few weeks, she has not been in her best form, which was affecting her relationship with fellow crew members, including chief stew Faye and Captain Kerry.
Last week's episode saw Captain Kerry confront the chef. She had previously refused to make food for the guests during their horseback riding activity after Faye's suggestion. This led to the latter preparing some cheese, crackers, fruits and more snacks for their charter guests. However, they weren't just satisfied with the snacks and wanted a full fledged lunch.
After multiple arguments between the chief stew and the chef on Below Deck Adventure, Captain Kerry intervened and explained to Jess how her behavior was intimidating. He confessed that his team was walking around eggshells and that issues were persistent with Jess. The chef then had a breakdown, following which she wished to leave the boat as she had "come to the end of her yachting experience."
Jess was fed up with her experience and went to her room. Captain Kerry then asked the crew to manage breakfast as the "chef was down." Fellow cast members Faye, Kasie and Oriana then arranged for some food for the guests. Jess spoke to a friend on the call and explained the situation, following which she decided to bounce back and finish the last charter on a high.
She went to Below Deck Adventure Captain Kerry and apologized for her behavior. While the captain initially wondered why she was back, he wanted the chef to be at her best behavior and bounce back stronger to complete the last two days on the boat.
Fans aren't happy with chef Jess on Below Deck Adventure
Fans took to social media to address chef Jess' behavior. They weren't happy with her. Check out what they have to say.
Season 1 of Below Deck Adventure has been an interesting watch for viewers. As the season came to an end, the crew returned to their personal and professional lives while bidding farewell to Superyacht Mercury. While there has been no news of a reunion, viewers will have to wait for further updates about the Bravo show.