Former Disney star Joe Jonas recently took to Instagram to seemingly respond to the rumors about his divorce from his wife of four years, Sophie Turner. The famed singer posted a black-and-white photo wearing his wedding ring, hinting that the news may not be true after all. However, the recent post stirs further confusion as neither has released an official statement about the same.
Fans were the first to speculate about the breakup as both Jonas and Turner were seen without their wedding rings in recent social media posts. Moreover, the former seemed "off and sad," as per several sources, and soon after, TMZ reported that he contacted divorce lawyers, hinting that the couple might be heading for divorce.
In common belief, some think that the post is a staged attempt to divert attention from the state of their marriage while others claim that the singer is portraying to be an "instigator and the victim simultaneously."
Joe Jonas got married to Sophie Turner in 2019, three years after they first started dating, and the couple now share two daughters. The duo recently sold their Miami-based family home, weeks before the breakup rumors first surfaced.
Joe Jonas' latest Instagram post with the wedding ring stirs confusion amidst divorce rumors with Sophie Turner
The relationship status of Joe Jonas and Sophie Turner remains uncertain as neither has released an official comment to end all rumors about their alleged split, especially after TMZ's latest update that the former contacted divorce lawyers.
While the duo hasn't directly addressed the matter, Jonas recently posted a black-and-white Instagram wearing his wedding room which further confused fans. A Reddit user even questioned his intentions, claiming that the back and forth with the ring "makes no sense." The user commented:
"What exactly is he [Joe Jonas] trying to accomplish with this back and forth with his ring? He’s the one who took it off in the first place which sparked speculation, that resulted in news leaking that HE is the one with the divorce lawyers. This makes no sense. 🤷♀️"
On the other hand, several Instagram users have rushed to Jonas' defense in the comments section of his latest post. One even stated:
" (People) really made this man post a singular picture of himself wearing his ring because of rumors going around the internet lmao."
Before that and shortly after the rumors first surfaced, the Jonas Brothers made a similar Labor Day post with all three brothers in it. In the picture, Joe Jonas can be seen flaunting his wedding ring. In response, a Reddit user even pointed out that "his [Joe's] hand placement is so obvious they’re trying to deflect."
Elsewhere, in some positive news for the couple's fans, Joe Jonas' song for Sophie Turner, Hesitate, came as a ray of hope at the Moody Center in Austin, Texas, on Sunday night. The singer reportedly sang the 2019 track for his wife and the mother of his children even with divorce looming around their marriage, as per Page Six.
TMZ previously reported that Joe Jonas contacted at least two divorce lawyers
The TMZ report clearly mentioned that their sources have confirmed Joe Jonas had his people contact and started talks with at least two LA-based divorce lawyers to file for divorce documents to end his marriage with Sophie Turner. The couple have been reportedly facing "serious problems" for at least six months now.
The outlet further reported that their sources disclosed information that over the past three months, Jonas has been caring for their two young daughters "pretty much all of the time," even while his band was touring. He is currently looking after both children, as the band plays around the country.
Weeks before the rumors first surfaced, the couple sold their Miami-based family mansion for a whopping $15 million only a year after they bought it.