Actor Adrian Grenier recently tied the knot with Jordan Roemmele. Grenier revealed to a news outlet that a wedding ceremony was not planned as they eloped to the Atlas Mountains during a vacation with their friends in Morocco.
The couple used string for the rings. Jordan was seen in a beautiful gown while Adrian chose a white button-down shirt with a Nehru collar vest decorated with a pink rose. Grenier and Roemmele exchanged vows near a sandy and mountainous terrain that was decorated with string lights.
The event was attended by the couple’s close friends and family members, and the guests hurled pink flower petals into the air after the couple said, "I do."
Age, career, and more about Adrian Grenier's wife, Jordan Roemmele
Jordan Roemmele is a marketing and project manager and is 27 years old. Her date of birth remains unknown.
She attended Shepherd University in Jefferson County, West Virginia. She finished her graduation in business administration, hospitality, and marketing and began her career as a spray tan technician and co-founded Stellar Tan.
Roemmele also worked at Insurate and quit the job in February 2021. She previously worked at Aero-Pioneer Group for six years until 2014. She was an HR manager at Aero Foods International and was among the board of directors at the Meleka Foundation.
She is active on Instagram and has around 1,000 followers. Roemmele has also gained recognition for being actor Adrian Grenier's girlfriend.
Exploring Adrian Grenier and Jordan Roemmele’s relationship timeline
Adrian Grenier and Jordan Roemmele have never revealed much about their relationship, although a few sources say that they have been together since 2017.
Grenier shared a picture via Instagram in December 2020 where Roemmele was seen in the background.
While speaking to outlet City Lifestyle in June 2021, the Entourage star revealed that they had shifted to a farm in Austin. Adrian stated that when he decided to settle in Texas, he wanted someone to live that experience with him.
He expressed his desire to build something together with Jordan and she was also interested in it. They also had plans to create a wildlife sanctuary and said:
“We’ll have llamas or alpacas, maybe some goats – not for a livestock operation but to keep the grass down, our living mowers, and to create manure for nutrients for the farm, compost. We’d love to create food to eat, to give to our neighbors, and to sell.”
Grenier has gained recognition for his performances as Vincent Chase in the HBO comedy-drama, Entourage, and films like Drive Me Crazy, The Devil Wears Prada, Marauders, and more.