Elon Musk once again created headlines when his company, Twitter, which is now known as X, announced that they would be running a test program where they would be charging $1 from all users annually to access basic features like posting, replying, and liking posts on the platform. This amount would be paid by all the users who have not verified their accounts on the platform.
Elon Musk’s social media platform stated the same in a post on its Help Centre. The post made it clear that the program went live on Tuesday, October 17, 2023.
It also stated how they are starting the program first in New Zealand and the Philippines. The post made it clear how this fee is not a “profit driver,” and is just to “reduce spam, and bot activity.”
Furthermore, in this test program, Elon Musk announced how the new users who will decide to opt out of the same, will be limited to only reading the post. This means that they will be able to watch videos, and check out the pictures and posts, but won’t be able to interact with the posts.
Elon Musk also revealed other details in a live stream, and mentioned how this is the “only way to combat bots.” However, as soon as the news went viral, it started getting mixed reactions from the netizens. While many were left infuriated, others appreciated the efforts of Elon Musk.
One social media user commented and said:
Social media users pour in opinions as Elon Musk announced X charging $1 per new user to access basic features: Reactions explored
Twitter, now known as X, has been in the news for a while, especially after Musk announced that the company would be charging some fees and verifying the accounts. Now that the company has launched a test program to combat the bots, social media users have started pouring their opinions on the same.
As X announced the same through a post, here is how the netizens reacted:
Although the program is currently only being implemented in a few nations and areas, it will soon be available globally. At the moment, neither Elon Musk nor anyone from the company has reacted to the netizens’ comments on the announcement of the new feature.