The evil eye has been cast on Tana Mongeau’s relationship. The social media influencer took to Instagram and Twitter announcing her breakup with American rapper Chris Miles. They dated for no more than four days.
Tana Mongeau posted on her Instagram stories:
“Jk I’m single just got left :)”
Her previous Instagram story, which was posted three hours before the breakup, included a video of her and Miles at 7/11 in the midst of a shopping spree. Tana Mongeau was spotted at TikToker Vinnie Hacker’s birthday hours before the breakup as well.
Tana Mongeau compares her relationship with Chris Miles to Kim Kardashian x Kris Humphries
Tana Mongeau took to twitter yesterday tweeting that she “hates” men and men are trash. This must have been the precursor to the downfall of their relationship.
The influencer also Tweeted an hour ago saying:
“jk just got left and dumped I’m single again”
She also tweeted:
“I can’t believe I’m like kim k I was in a relationship for 72 hours :-)”
Tana Mongeau was referring to Kim Kardashian’s marriage with Kris Humphries. The couple got married in 2011 and the marriage lasted only for 72 days. It was a running joke on the show Keeping Up With the Kardashians as well.
Tana Mongeau was on a roll announcing on all her social platforms that her relationship had ended. She added to the Twitter rant:
“rip to 6 months of my life xoxo”
Fans on Twitter expressed mixed reactions. Some of them felt sorry for Mongeau while others reacted to the breakup in a lighthearted manner.
The social media influencer was dating 22 year old American rapper Chris Miles. Mongeau has been secretive about her relationship for months, not revealing her beau’s face. She took to Twitter on July 8th revealing her relationship.
Mongeau had tweeted:
“I love u 4 eternity”
Rumor has it that Tana Mongeau was posting flirty pictures with Bryce Hall which may have been a reason for the relationship ending.