The Boyz vocalist Juyeon recently shared a fashion moment at the Paris Fashion Week FW2024. The idol, who attended the Balenciaga fashion show on February 26, 2024, wore a loose-fitted hoodie and pants in muted tones, in line with the trends for the year. He added volumized boots to showcase the styling flairs of Balenciaga.
The fashion show, held on Monday, was attended by multiple A-listers from across the world from different industries. The Boyz Juyeon was joined by Thai actor PP Krit, tennis star Serena Williams, and reality TV star Kim Kardashian.
However, among all the stars, fans seemed to like Juyeon's look the most and appreciated it on social media, with one fan@mhjeno commenting that he looked "ethereal."
Fans took to social media platforms, especially X and Instagram to express their love for the K-pop idol and his outfit.
Fans love Juyeon's Balenciaga look at Paris Fashion Week 2024
Juyeon, the vocalist from The Boyz, attended the Balenciaga show in Paris, embracing the oversized silhouette and opting for muted pastel shades.
Juyeon wore an oversized and large tee shirt which was designed with bold lettering and layered it with a cropped pastel lilac hoodie. The structured oversized hoodie also had two slinging sleeves, giving it an edgy look. For the bottom, the idol wore a pair of oversized powder blue pants with tan furry boots.
His hair was styled simply, with a middle part and some locks of his straight black hair falling on his forehead. As an accessory, he added a shoulder bag in a pastel shade.
Before entering the fashion show, Juyeon posed for cameras, waved to his fans, and even signed some autographs. Fans who saw the pictures from the event took to social media to praise him and compliment him on his style. While many said that he was "pretty," others noted that his fashion sense was cool.
More details about the Balenciaga show at Paris Fashion Week 2024
Balenciaga creative director Demma Gvasalia showcased the upcoming winter collection, under the theme of anonymity, where a quarter of their faces were covered. This seemed like it was underscoring the futuristic approach. Demma set the spirit of concealed identity in the age of social media.
The luxury fashion brand emphasized the logomania idea, with the brand's bold logo taking center stage in many of the outfits. The fashion event also showcased several hanging accessories that let the wearers carry their phones on their buckle bracelets
Among the many celebrities who attended the show were Kim Kardashian and tennis star Serena Williams. Kardashian wore a full-length lacy black dress with a long train and flared sleeves. Meanwhile, Williams was seen in a black-fitting dress paired with a royal blue coat.