Two South Elgin High School students, who have been identified as 17-year-old Kamorra Campbell and 16-year-old Tahlulay Henry, are reported to be the two victim who died in a fatal crash near the school in the morning of Thursday, August 31, 2023.
Along with Kamorra and Tahlulay, two other girls were in a 2002 Honda Civic, which collided with a Mack semi-tractor trailer at about 7 am local time. While two girls survived the crash, Tahlulay died on the scene and Campbell died after she was taken to the hospital.
Following the tragic news of her sister's demise, Kamorra's oldest sister, Je’Kiah Sanders, launched a fundraiser to meet her funeral expenses. So far, the GoFundMe fundraiser has already raised more than $8,000 out of the targetted $15,000.
17-year-old Kamorra Campbell was one of the two girls who died in the Thursday crash that took place near South Elgin High School
A normal school day turned tragic after a fatal car crash took place near South Elgin High School at around 7 am on August 31. Here, two teenage girls, Kamorra Campbell and Tahlulay Henry, died in the crash, while the other two sustained injuries.
The fatal collision took place between the Honda Civic that the girls were driving and a semi-tractor trailer at the intersection of Route 25 and Kenyon. The wreckage was so severe that it slided into a corn field nearby. The man driving the trailer was taken to the hospital, but he suffered non-life-threatening injuries.
According to an attorney representing the family of the girl driving the car, the Civic had a green arrow to turn at the intersection. However, police have stated that further investigation is needed to reach a conclusion. The crash was reportedly so terrible that firefighters had to remove the car's roof to rescue the girls trapped inside. According to South Elgin Fire Chief William Luchsinger:
"Every accident is hard to deal with, especially one such as this."
Victim's family members are trying to cope with the tragedy
The families of the victims, especially those of the ones who could not survive the crash, are distraught and are trying to cope with the tragic loss. Kamorra Campbell's grandmother, Sarah, described the incident to be hard to deal with. Chiaunte Campbell, her mother, said:
"I don't know where I'm going to go, you know. That was my backbone. That was my baby. That was my backbone."
She further said:
"You never think, you know, as a mother that your kids are going to go to school and not return home."
Autopsy reports confirmed that both the victims died after sustaining severe injuries in a crash. According to the fundraiser post,
"My name is Je’Kiah and my family and are raising money to lay my little sister to rest as some of you may know my sister lost her life this Thursday and it has taken a toll on our family."
School authorities have mentioned that they are providing support after the tragic incident that has impacted the local community.