Bachelor in Paradise season 8 aired the first installment of the finale on Monday, November 21, 2022, at 8 pm ET on ABC. The two-hour episode featured the cast members making important decisions as they navigated their relationships and decided whether to get engaged or potentially break up.
While some were sure of their connection and were already in love, others struggled to solidiy their relationships, leading to significant drama throughout the episode.
On this week's episode of Bachelor in Paradise, Kate broke up with Logan at the Rose Ceremony. She criticized him for making "projections" about her and left him standing alone. Fans slammed Kate for her comments. One tweeted and said that Kate was "truly awful."
Season 8 of the hit reality dating series has been extremely popular amongst the audience. Loyal fans of the Bachelor Nation franchise have religiously followed the cast members' journey and have openly expressed their views regarding the season on social media. While some couples became fan favorites, others were criticized for their behavior. Who will last until the end? Only time will tell.
Kate breaks up with Logan on Bachelor in Paradise
Tonight's episode of Bachelor in Paradise began with a lot of tension on the beach as the cast realized it was time their "paradise time" came to an end. Now they had to make decisions that could make or break their relationship. With emotions riding high, they were in for a big surprise when host Jesse Palmer announced that there would be no cocktail party before the final rose ceremony.
The official synopsis of the episode reads:
"Once the roses have been handed out, the remaining couples have an important decision to make—will they stay until the end in hopes of an engagement, or will they leave and pursue a relationship away from the sands of Mexico? For some, it won’t be an easy choice."
While most of the couples solidified their relationship with a final rose, that wasn't the case for Logan and Kate. Ahead of giving out his rose, the bachelor was confident about his relationship with Kate, and confessed to wanting to spend the rest of his life with her. Unfortunately, his feelings weren't reciprocated.
After confessing his feelings, Logan wished for Kate to accept his rose, but she denied accepting the same and criticized him for targeting her throughout their time on Bachelor in Paradise. Kate said:
"We've had some unforgettable moments on the beach...But you also told me that I was critical, looked down on you, not warm enough, and stimulated by the drama...when in reality, these are projections that I feel from you."
She continued:
"And when Jesse told us earlier to ask ourselves if we were happy or in love...the answer for those questions for me is no... I know what I want and this isn't it. So Logan, no, I will not accept this rose."
Logan was visibly shocked at his Bachelor in Paradise connection and relationship coming to an abrupt end, considering how he sure was about Kate. For her to reject and criticize him, left him disappointed. He revealed that "Kate didn't like what he brought to the table."
While exiting the beach, Logan said in a confessional:
"It tore me up..because I had nothing I wanted to change about Kate. I was so satisfied with who she is. And to not have that returned, with anger and disappointment in me, yeah it just hurts. I feel like my sense of who I am has gotten a little lost in the process of trying to please the girl who I was really really into....I don't know where to go from here."
While leaving Bachelor in Paradise, Kate felt that their relationship should have been effortless and have a smooth flow, and not be an "uphill battle." She revealed that she was looking for a man with a "bigger bank account."
Fans slam Kate for the way she broke up with Logan
Fans took to social media to slam Kate for her criticisms. They were disappointed with the way she treated Logan throughout the season and her comments while the former couple broke up at the Rose Ceremony. Check out what they have to say.
Bachelor in Paradise season 8 has almost come to an end. With the pressure of engagement looming over the cast members' heads, viewers will have to tune in to find out who lasts on and after the show, as well as updates on who's still together and which couples have broken up, in the reunion.
Keep watching Bachelor in Paradise on ABC.