Upcoming JTBC drama King The Land has begun production and anticipation for the show is soaring. The star-studded cast of the show is led by internationally acclaimed actress and K-pop idol Girls’ Generation’s YoonA and 2PM’s heartthrob idol Junho.
King the Land is a romantic comedy K-drama based on the opposites-attract trope. The show revolves around the story of Goo-won, a Chaebol heir who despises sycophantic people and their phony smiles. One day, he comes across a young woman by the name of Cheon Sa-rang who never fails to wear a beaming smile even on her unhappy days.
The two instantly hit it off and decided to search for their genuine happiness together. They seek a place where there is no longer any need for pretense or unhappiness and where they can both live blissfully together.
Playing the role of the male protagonist of Goo Won is Homme Fatale’s Lee Jun-ho. Starring opposite him will be the star of Big Mouth Im Yoon-ah, better known by her monomynous stage name YoonA.
King The Land is different from the last projects of the show's lead actors, Jun-ho and YoonA
In the upcoming series King the Land, 2PM's idol Lee Junho will play the role of Goo Won, who is embroiled in a conflict over the succession of the King Group, an empire that controls hotels, airlines, and distribution organizations. He is well-educated, polite, and charming. He is also bright, and his manners are impeccable. However, he has no dating experience.
In a promotional interview, the Wok of Love star remarked on his character and the show and said:
“I have high expectations to greet you with a new image. I will prepare hard on the set to deliver pleasant energy, so please give King The Land a lot of love and interest.”
Starring opposite him is the star of Confidential Assignment, YoonA, who will be portraying the character of the female protagonist, Cheon Sa-rang. She is a cheerful young woman whose smile can put a spring in anyone's step.
As a child, Sa-rang was fond of the King Hotel, as she had a memorable experience there. However, as an employee of the hotel, she has encountered several biases and misunderstandings there.
Nevertheless, Sa-rang continues to work hard and has climbed the rungs of hoteliering to manage the VVIP business lounge from her initial work as a receptionist. She has been nicknamed “Smile Queen” due to the constant bright and appealing front she maintains at work.
Sharing her experience with the collaboration of the cast and crew for King The Land, YoonA remarked:
“I am happy to meet good actors, directors and writers in this new project. I will do my best to show a pleasant and happy drama to viewers.”
King the Land will air in the second half of 2023 and the production of the drama has commenced already.