After tying the knot with popular musician Travis Barker in 2022, Kourtney Kardashian announced her first pregnancy earlier this year. Expected to welcome their child in the coming months, the two have been involved in a range of events in recent weeks as they look forward to a new chapter in their lives.
On September 24, the Kardashian family hosted a baby shower at a private residence in LA, with a host of close friends and relatives attending. The whimsical, Disney-themed evening was attended by Travis Barker himself, who will be on tour potentially when Kourtney gives birth.
Kourtney Kardashian hosts Disney-themed baby shower amidst Barker’s health concerns
The Kardashians are notorious for hosting largescale parties and events, and followed suit with Kourtney’s baby shower as well. The Disney-themed evening included a range of characters, games and stalls. This was in addition to various Disney themed foods and beverages, with a huge Mickey-Mouse cake.
There seemed to be activities for the adults at the event as well, who were seen sunbathing and enjoying their time together. While most of the Kardashian family attended, Travis Barker had to adopt social distancing due to a health concern.
Barker had recently told fans that he has contracted COVID-19, and will have to maintain distance from the Kardashian family from the time being. Kourtney herself wore a catskin with snake-prints while Kim wore a gorgeous yellow suit.
That, in addition to his band’s tour commitments mean that he has not been around for a number of weeks. Kourtney had claimed on her Instagram recently that Travis will be on tour for the first two weeks of October as well. This means that he can potentially miss the birth of his first child, much to fans’ chagrin.
Regardless, the host of Disney-themed food at the event included Mickey-Mouse shapred pretzels, pancakes, waffles, bagels and cakes. There were also little mini-bottles of Alice in Wonderland themed drinks that were marked “Drink Me.”
A range of Disney characters were also part of the event, including Alice herself. The event was planned and executed by celebrity event planner Mindy Weiss, who has previously been involved in multiple major Kardashian events. While the baby shower proved to be a huge success, fans seemed concerned with Barker’s potential absence in October.
Kourtney is expected to give birth between October-December 2023.
Travis Barker to miss birth of his baby?
With Barker expected to be on tour with his band for the first half of next month, fans have expressed concern over his potential absence. Currently dealing with a positive Covid test, Barker and Kourtney can be expected to figure things out soon.
The tour schedule might seem like a problem. However, Kourtney cannot give a vaginal birth due to a fetal surgery that she had recently. This means the couple will undergo a c-section surgery which comes them more control over the date of the birth. This means the couple might already have an idea when the delivery will take place.
Hence, while Barker is expected to be on tour in the early part of October, chances are that the couple have already planned the estimated date around which they are going to give birth to their first child. Barker has been adamant in doing his part and can be expected to be present when Kourtney finally gives birth.