Internet is hit with another Bigfoot debacle after a video capturing an alleged Sasquatch in Colorado went viral on social media. OutThere Colorado, a digital media company, shared the footage on their social media pages on October 11, claiming that a couple of train passengers passing by the Durango & Silverton Narrow Gauge Railroad likely spotted the cryptid on a remote mountainside in the state over the weekend.
The company credited a Florida resident called Brandon, who appeared to be a travel enthusiast, for the video on Instagram. OutThere Colorado posted a detailed narration of how the cryptid was captured on camera on their official website. They stated that two passengers on the train, Shannon Parker and her husband Stetson reached out to the company to share their experience.
The website continued that Shannon and Stetson who were seated near the back of the train, suddenly spotted a movement on the mountain hillside, but noted that the animal was moving on two feet. It was captured walking across the deserted hills before squatting down. Another passenger next to the couple started filming the animal while Shannon also snapped several photos.
However, netizens were not really convinced that the creature recorded in the footage was a Bigfoot. One Reddit user commented on a still image of the said animal on the Colorado mountainside, posted by @u/Spaceman_the_SkierCO, and compared the creature with Cha-Ka from the 2009 movie Land of the Lost.
Alleged Colorado Bigfoot footage sparks hilarious reactions online
Many wrote that the passengers might have spotted another human being who was wearing a Sasquatch costume to prank the riders on the passing trains. Some compared the unidentified creature with Chewbacca from Star Wars due to their similar appearance. A few people presumed that it was probably a pre-Halloween prank.
OutThere Colorado said on their website that Bigfoot sightings are not unheard of in Colorado. There is even a destination called The Sasquatch Outpost in Bailey, which is dedicated to the mythical creature.
It remains unverified whether or not the figure captured in the viral footage was indeed, a Bigfoot. But even though most netizens do not entertain such sightings and cryptid theories sincerely, some people are reluctant to completely negate the possibility of Bigfoot's existence.