Actress Lindsay Lohan recently welcomed her first child with husband Bader Shammas. The news was first shared with PEOPLE by Lohan’s spokesperson on Monday, July 17. The 37-year-old Freaky Friday star and her financier husband have named their son Luai, which in Arabic means “shield or protector.”
The couple’s representative told the news outlet:
“Lindsay Lohan and her Financier husband, Bader Shammas, welcomed a beautiful, healthy son named Luai. The family is over the moon in love.”
PEOPLE reported that the baby boy was born in Dubai. However, the exact date of his birth has not been revealed as of Monday.
Last month, during an interview with Allure, the Mean Girls actress opened up about her new chapter and shared her excitement about becoming a mom:
“I can’t wait to see what the feeling is and what it’s like to just be a mom.”
Each letter of Lindsay Lohan’s son’s name stands for different qualities
The name of Lindsay Lohan’s baby boy is quite common in Arabic culture. As per, Luai has multiple meanings, such as steady, strong, and even flag. It is usually a boy’s name and is an Arabic word. As per the website, the numerology number for Luai is 7.
As for its pronunciation, Luai should be uttered as “loo-ey” but is a single-syllable word.
In fact, like most Arabic names, each letter of Luai means something different. For instance, L stands for liveliness, U stands for unstoppable, A stands for astonishing and finally, I stands for incredible.
The website also mentions the personality traits of the name Luai. They include the desire for knowledge and truth, an immense appetite to fetch answers to all of life’s hidden questions, and a strong interest in science, philosophy, and mysticism, among others. People with the name Luai are also expected to be vivacious, inspiring, charming, and have a sparkling and witty personality., on the other hand, defines Luai as a “flat area of sand” which is believed to be derived from the Quranic root L-W-A (used in the Islamic holy book Quran, verse 63:5 in the word ‘law-waw’ meaning “turn aside”).
On account of its holy connection, the name can also mean “shield or protector” as already mentioned above. However, colloquially, Arabic people also use it to call a “little wild ox” which translates to the strong part of the name.
Lindsay Lohan has been married to Bader Shammas since 2022
In February 2020, Lindsay Lohan sparked romance rumors after she posted a group picture on her Instagram from a music festival in Dubai and casually captioned it “Lovely night with sister and my boyfriend Bader.”
Later, she deleted the post.
In November 2021, Lindsay Lohan announced her engagement to Dubai-based financier Bader Shammas and revealed that they had been dating for three years.
In April 2022, the couple got married in a private ceremony in Dubai, the news of which was revealed three months later when she tagged him as her “husband” on social media and wished him on his birthday.
A Dubai resident since 2014, Lindsay Lohan announced her pregnancy in March 2023 via Instagram. She wrote “We are blessed and excited!” while tagging Shammas, who maintains a private account.
She also shared pictures from her April baby shower with her fans and gave them a glimpse of her pregnancy journey from time to time.
On her career front, she last starred in the Netflix holiday rom-com Falling for Christmas and even launched her own podcast named The Lohdown with Lindsay Lohan.