Snoop Dogg has stirred controversy among his fans after appearing at the inaugural Crypto Ball, an event marking Donald Trump's upcoming inauguration as the US President. As the video of the rapper performing his hit, Nuthin’ but a G Thang, went viral, Elon Musk shared his reaction on X. David Sacks, the former COO of PayPal and soon-to-be White House AI and Crypto advisor, organized the event.
As an X user, @CollinRugg shared the video of Snoop Dogg performing at Trump's inaugural ball. Musk reshared the post and wrote:
“The vibe shift is real."
The screenshot of the same was then shared by an Instagram account, @HollywoodUnlocked, to which another user responded and wrote:
“The MAGA is laughing at Snoop… Selling his soul.”
Others also chimed in, saying the rapper was being clowned and laughed at.
As Snoop Dogg's video continued to go viral, social media users continued to mock the rapper. Some comments read:
"I have nothing but love and respect for Donald Trump" — Snoop Dogg's comments over the years for the President-elect explored
As the rapper performed at Trump's pre-inaugural event, social media users recalled his history of switching sides and commenting on the President-elect. Last year, months before the elections were conducted, the rapper stated that he had "nothing but love and respect for Donald Trump." Speaking to The Times on January 28, 2024, Snoop said:
“Donald Trump? He ain’t done nothing wrong to me. He has done only great things for me. So I have nothing but love and respect for Donald Trump.”
However, the Drop It Like It's Hot rapper had taken repeated aims at Trump in 2017. He even released a music video for Lavender, in which he aimed a gun at a person dressed like Trump. As per Independent UK, the video also prompted a response from the then-President's legal team, as his lawyers demanded an apology from Snoop Dogg for the video.
Snoop has also mocked Trump's slogan, "Make America Great Again," and released a song, "Make America Crip Again" in 2017. Moreover, in the song, the rapper sang:
“The president said he wants to make America great again. F*** that s***, we’re going to make America crip again.”
However, neither the rapper nor Trump has spoken up on the former's sudden shift towards the President-elect or the reactions of the masses.