On the monumental date of October 26, 2023, the beloved Maknae line of BTS, consisting of members Jimin, V, and Jungkook, achieved a significant milestone by being named the winners of the prestigious MMA awards for 2023. Throughout the year, they received nominations in various categories as individual artists, sparking anticipation among the ARMY fanbase that BTS would undoubtedly secure some well-deserved awards.
When the official list of winners was finally revealed, fans couldn't contain their elation. The results exceeded expectations, and the chosen categories for each member seemed fitting. Jimin, V, and Jungkook each clinched awards in their respective categories, cementing their individual excellence within the music industry. It was a moment of pride and joy for both the members and their fans.
However, amidst the celebration, there was a tinge of disappointment as the "Hyung line," comprised of the older BTS members, had not been selected for awards this time around. While the spotlight shone brightly on the talented maknae line, fans couldn't help but express their hope to see the entire BTS ensemble recognized for their collective contributions in the near future.
BTS' maknae line Jimin, V, and Jungkook bag important awards at the MMA MelOn Awards 2023
The MMA Plaque Event is associated with the annual Melon Music Awards (MMA). The Melon Music Awards is a major awards show that recognizes and celebrates achievements in the South Korean music industry.
The "MMA Plaque Event" is a part of the larger Melon Music Awards ceremony, where notable artists and figures from the music industry are awarded plaques or trophies in various categories to honor their contributions and accomplishments in the past year. These awards can include various categories, which are typically given to artists based on their achievements and impact within the industry during that particular year.
In this context, artists like Jimin, V, and Jungkook received specific awards during the 2023 MMA "My Favorite" Plaque Event as part of the broader Melon Music Awards ceremony, acknowledging their excellence and influence within the K-pop industry. The awards they received are symbolic of their significance in the world of music.
Jimin, known for his exceptional talents and dedication to his craft, is set to receive the prestigious "King of K-pop Award" this year due to his consistency on the Billboard charts. This honor highlights his commanding presence in the world of K-pop, recognizing his multifaceted contributions.
Kim Taehyung, distinguished by his unique charisma, has garnered a dedicated global fanbase just with his personality. His achievements have led to the "Idol of the Year Award," a clear testament to his enduring popularity and the impact he's had on the community of K-pop.
Meanwhile, the youngest Jungkook, renowned for his innate talents as a performer and musician, will be presented with the "Giant Pop Star Award." This accolade represents his immense influence within the K-pop landscape and his untouchable impact on the global music stage.
The number of votes each of these three BTS members received was:
1. V -140,762 votes
2. Jimin - 137,005 votes
3. Jungkook- 136,636 votes
Fans showered their blessings and good wishes over these three maknae members:
The selection of Jimin, Taehyung, and Jungkook as part of the Melon Top 10 winners at the 2023 MMA "My Favorite" Plaque Event is not only a celebration of their talents but also a reaffirmation of their crucial roles within the K-pop industry. These awards stand as a symbol of their innovative contributions, and strong connection with fans. Undoubtedly, they are poised to continue this ascent to even greater heights in the world of music.