YouTube streamers Felix Kjellberg and Sean McLoughlin, better known as PewDiePie and Jackseptieye, are being slammed for trolling Amber Heard. Her supporters accused the two creators of lobbing misogynistic comments toward the actress.
Both YouTubers made fun of the Aquaman actress for her "dog stepped on the bee" comment, which led to an uproar among the actress' fanbase criticizing them. A Twitter user, Conducive Coder, tagged Sean and labeled his impersonation of Amber as "cringe."
PewDiePie and Jacksepticeye went on long rants and used unflattering terms for Amber Heard
Twitter users slammed the creators and accused them of being misogynistic. They questioned the YouTubers and their viewpoints. Many even questioned the reason behind the creators' mocking and making fun of The Ward actress.
Several users were not surprised by the actions of the content creators. Many seemed to have projected their response. Some thought the "dog stepped on a bee" meme lacked any humor and was only being used in derision.
What did PewDiePie and Jacksepticeye say about Amber Heard?
In a video compilation shared on Twitter, Jackseptieye can be seen mimicking Amber Heard as she remarked in court:
"I actually managed to squeeze out a tear. You see, that's how it's done. That's how you cry. You believe in the things you're saying."
The video then cuts to PewDiePie reacting to memes with another streamer called CinamonToastCane. The video clip starts with PewDiePie introducing the meme and discussing his dislike for Amber Heard. He said:
"I just hate this b**ch so much that it's worth memeing."
He then mimicked a person talking confusingly in a seeming attempt at mocking Heard on trial. The YouTuber later advised that people should "probably think about" what they will say when going to a trial. He remarked by calling the actress' reaction "bizarre" and said:
"What the f**k is she doing with her face? This is an actress? She just show's you that she the worst actress of all time."
He watched a few "my dog stepped on a bee" meme videos and remarked on Heard's expressions. CinamonToastCane replied by saying:
"She's an actress you wouldn't understand."
PewDiePie replied to this by saying:
"You're not supposed to act in court, you're supposed to tell the truth. And she's a lousy god da*n actress for that matter. I feel bad for her lawyers, that have to re-tell her lies as if they are true. It's really funny."
The viral video featured Felix praising Johnny Depp. He said it was "obvious" that Depp was a good person and did no wrong.